
And they should. Only in the most clear and medically determined situations should an exemption be granted. Same goes for treating a child with an illness, you don’t do it, you should be prosecuted.

Yeah but there is no appalling corruption, sweety.

We know how well Nader’s “encouragement” worked.

nah, since “liberals” don’t call themselves “liberals”

The TPP lark is Brexit, American-style.

I think you nailed it with racist, misogynist prick.

And I would happily go back and rewatch classic episodes of top gear before i watch the new drivel.

Well it is pandering if you don’t believe it.

More invisibility than blindness.

Her speech along with elements of Trump’s were just fig leaves thrown to non-SWIMs (straight white ignorant males) to confuse them into not going hard for Hillary.

You sun of a bitch.

we want sentient life and that shit would be mad hard to develop outside the zone

It’s not an actual’s more of a conceptual sphere.

The trump should be on the grass behind the cow.

Need a new MLP-logo for TP

yeah I wouldn’t take that bet

Looking up a a funnel cloud forming over your head is beyond terrifying...especially when your ears pop and it starts hailing like mad.

He may flatten the earth, but I don’t see him as a scorcher.

Great, now I want a BLT.

Great now I want a PB&J.