
She doesn’t have to steal it, she is winning it fair and square.

Actually Fox has been directed to attack Trump by their GOP managers.

They are both shit...flush them together just make sure the toilet doesn’t overflow.

Not at all. He had no intent to record their conversation so no mens rea and no crime.

This is the reason I keep buying Chipotle for my co-workers.

Even almond milk?

Or at least your bowels.

Probably wants the bible to replace the constitution...

Yeah, I am pretty sure we wouldn’t have royally fucked up the middle east if gore had won (thanks again, nader!).

The sooner nascar dies, the better.

Dick-weasel hehe. Sorry, no judgement here, I’ve been married so long I can’t remember what recreational sex is.


Who the fuck needs to date to fuck? What is this, the 60s?

By your logic he would have been rewarded for that practice. Maybe he refused to sacrifice a muggle?

It’s simply unacceptable for the school to expel a public figure without providing the rationale.

You don’t need religion for perspective.

When hordes of disillusioned 18-24 somethings stay home on general election day and Trump beats Hillary, that’s when we all get fucked, no OkCupid needed.

Take a hike, troll.

He’s just another victim of Obama.

Saw a guy who seemed stoned out of his mind with a CHP behind him for about 20 minutes trying to pull him over. By the time he stopped, there were a dozen cops behind him guns drawn, inviting him to step out and kiss the ground. Best bet is to leave your rural area and move to a more populated place.