
Also insert dark matter (racist) pun here.

Especially if it's size changes back and forth over time.

We should bomb them heavily just to be sure.

You use mirrors to distribute external light through the vertical farm.

You also forgot not legal to privately sell guns. Strict liability for any crime performed with a gun registered to you, mandatory and significant recurring gun safety classes, and a few other reasonable rules that I am too busy to list.

Yet another NRA-sponsored groundless argument.

You meant to say there is strong correlation between gun restrictions and mass shootings, right?

All a bunch of straw man bullshit.

No the problem is reasonable laws are fought tooth and nail by the gun industry.

That's a lark. Stop drinking the 2nd amendment kool-aid.

Amateur porn

Am I a feminist dreaming i am a troll, or a troll dreaming I am a feminist?

Certainly shouldn't change to rapper...i fell asleep in the first sentence.

Yeah you don't want to see what happens when psychos start using super soakers.

If the fetuses had guns there would be fewer abortions.

Even unrealistically.

Especially when they are being pumped into the economy...derp.

He meant the Chins...duh!

So bored with the America/world thinks the freaking superheroes are the ones that need to be watched...soooooo tedious.

We are closer to aligning with Russia and China to fight Islamic radicalism than ever.