Shhhh, he doesn't have a clue what Socialism is, he just knows someone Republican or Fox news said it was terrifying.
Shhhh, he doesn't have a clue what Socialism is, he just knows someone Republican or Fox news said it was terrifying.
Orange County is full on Republican, asshole.
You are a mindless shithead. No one respects you and your arguments are vapid.
Keep fighting the good fight, but I think HPP may actually be Donald Trump LOL.
When any
Thinks for that.
Troll fail.
Give em a centimeter, and they take a kilometer.
The party you are referring to is the Democratic party. Unions are dead and thought workers vote Dem because they don't want to go back to the 50s, 60s, 70s or 80s. They want to move forward. Republicans only focus on the (idealized, fetishized) past.
Yeah, no actually "liberals" are just "smart" and we would prefer to debate and discuss real issues and solutions, not the current republican platform of denial and stupidity.
Yeah, since California kicks something like $40B per year net, I would be fine with the breakup from a tax perspective. Let's see the South once the Federal government shuts down all the military bases, and defense contractors stop spreading their infrastructure out to buy Federal spend.
You are on to something. Canada doesn't really need any land over 100 miles north of the border. Sounds like a win win.
There could be a reality show to pick the state.
As long as you make it new companies, and not existing US companies. I have no desire to be asked to move to either city. I like my California weather too much.
And double Irony, because Reagan was so stupid he turned me democrat in one debate.
I would support selecting one state (Missouri/Arkansas?), for which we would revoke the constitution and allow them to establish sharia of a Christian variety, also provide a stipend for people who want to move there (or move out — it's going to suck there pretty quickly).
Dictatorships are great...enjoy that. I’d rather have an elected Trump or any other Republican idiot than a dictator appointed by the garbage committee of criminals you call the communist party in China.
Don't agree. Trump has a stage...if he said sane things, they would be broadcast, then he would lose the love of the howling racists and retrogrades that are his core support.
The irony is that most states in the US are converging in terms of the middle. It’s the mouth breathers in the red states that make it seem like we are drifting further apart.
Certainly not elected as that word is used to reflect true choice. Also his popularity is state media supported, so it's even less legit than the "populist/ratings-driven" media supported US politicians.