
Wouldn't it have been easier to just say "God made them that way!" since we know genetics and evolution don't exist???

What a withering joke.

A rivalry creates ratings. This will be a huge financial boon to both fighters and to the UFC.

Kill a lot of them...more than feels entirely "right". If another attack happens, double the retribution...keep going till someone wins.

With legal guns and citizen muslims with no criminal record, just wait for it...

God, forget about Trump. The stream of trolls before he even comes up are truly terrifying.

These puns are bearly humorous.

Who cares about 6 months? The goal should be true stasis (i'll define as full power-off for an extended period) for a 40-50 year minimum journey to earth 2. I think the biggest problem is the brain, as you need to be able to turn it off completely and then restart it with some form of electroshock.

Yes it's the overblown appeals process that is the issue. Appeals that have nothing to do with guilt, but are instead procedural jousting designed only to delay the sentence.

Well either sentence did mean I guess that’s the answer to your dam question.

I would have said looks like our 3D universe is a projection from a 4D universe onto a 3D substrate. That 4D universe may itself extend upwards into Nth dimensions.

The asteroid of the Beast!

I think the question is moot for two reasons. One, won't happen in our lifetimes, two, if we want to when we can, we will.


There never was a right to rebel, duh.

Profitable or palatable?


No Ben Carson is my mom, not yours!

I thought you just spit on her vagina to lube it...

the bulge is embarrassing though