
9/10 times I side with Europe on issues, but fuck them for this.

Carly was a know-nothing disaster of a CEO. A train wreck from day 1.

Yeah well we send something like $40 billion a year to the rest of the country net. Time for us to keep more of that in California.

I am sure you would be first to volunteer your property to be mowed down for a high speed rail that in any event won't help anything for decades.

yeah it's just colored patent no copyright no theft

Just need a crap ton of anthropomorphizing and you are good to go.

Probably the same guy that busted Johnny Depp.

Not to mention that America in our wildest dreams will never be more than a very low percent of cyclists, so it really is a huge waste of money.

We don't collect our water...we let it store in the mountains...which are now too warm to store enough water.

Funny that your fantasy and mine are the same...only in mine he is the one chucked in without his gun.

It's not about following the rules. The rule is move forward when it is safe and accelerate as soon as possible to the legal maximum. Robotic cars should not be on the road until these rules can be followed.

You should have said China is really rolling.

Only white frosting.

Both VR and this are going nowhere fast. At some point direct neural interface will create a truly immersive environment but that is decades or more away. won't.

Yeah it will not be as fun as you think...remember you can't actually touch stuff so sword vs sword etc just won't work. This technology is like the Segway, really cool in principal but likely to only be useful in a work environment (think augmented reality in a factory or in the event of an emergency).

Spoiler alert: he didn't make a suit...and what he made sucked all kinds of balls.

Where the hell are they the desert? The wastewater is in the city.

And delivered...

It's more down to using garbage contractors to handle sensitive information. Government agencies and companies need to step up and invest in understanding technology and security and also need to stop looking only at overall cost on contracts and instead focus on quality and scope of services.