
The irony is that most states in the US are converging in terms of the middle. It’s the mouth breathers in the red states that make it seem like we are drifting further apart.

Certainly not elected as that word is used to reflect true choice. Also his popularity is state media supported, so it's even less legit than the "populist/ratings-driven" media supported US politicians.

Unfortunately, the inevitable consequence of the breakup would be failed red states going to war with blue states to cover up their rampant stupidity (or just to kill the heathen's in the blue states).

I am not interested in any version of Risk that doesn't allow me to win via control of Australia.

Is Karma a bot? If not, does she live near me?

its not being preserved to see, its being preserved so it continues that really confusing you?

If drones are illegal, only illegals will have drones.

Or with guns...not ruin it...

Sounds like you are just saying the model isn't applied consistently and fairly, versus the model itself being broken.

Nah, but if both spouses are not up for fairly regular sexual activity, one or the other will stray (or at least want to).

Logic fail. Do you think someone who works as a model or as an actor or as a professional musician has the same job as answering the phones, etc? Sex work is work. Work that involves making someone feel pleasure for money. When humanity finally realizes that sex has nothing to do with love and everything to do with

What two people of legal age do with their bodies should not be the subject of any laws. So damn silly that we are even having this conversation. Or in other words "I can buy a handgun but I can't buy a blowjob? WTF???"


This is already how it works.

LOL it will never be over.

It was something like 70-80% financial penalties, and the rest people just trying to conserve. By the way, the financial penalties were felt most significantly by lower income (in the bay area that means household of less than $300k/year). Our millionaire neighbors kept their lawn wonderfully green and watered the

So you want a government ban on crops that bring large amounts of cash to the state? Good luck!

What an amazing waste that would be...perhaps if we are going to devote this level of focus on something it could be addressing global climate change or something else with real benefits?

And even unmanned is of dubious value.

Great idea, let's waste tons of money and resources on an even less valuable place to be than Mars.