
Strawman. Going to Mars actually is pointless. Curing Cancer, reducing violent crime, helping people cope with economic disruption, etc are infinitely more important problems to solve.

Sending humans to Mars is flat out stupid, period.

The answer is no. Everything that depended mainly on electricity (some transportation, lighting, etc) would be a lot cheaper, but other goods and services (including goods that rely on other significant cost factors) would remain relatively stable in cost.

I'd like you to kill the folks who produced those insipid Windows 10 ads. If Apple hadn't come along and kicked Microsoft in the nads, we'd all be running DOS 234 now.

The fun part is it isn’t even a real restart. I have been on calls...seen the apple “restart” logo...then when the main screen pops up, I am still connected on the call.

We will take their jobs.

As has been said many times before, although there are likely thousands if not millions of other civilizations, it is unlikely that we will ever meet them due to the good old vastness of space issue. I like to think that if they did come across us, they would kill most of us, and save a few thousand for display in a

Lettuce please stop with the puns!

Free from Federal “tyranny” LOL, talk about overdramatic...

Tear this false flag down wherever you see it. Throw it on the ground and urinate on it, or better yet defacate on it. Condemn those who fly it as un-American traitors. Harass and harangue them until their lives are miserable.

Google is much worse than Facebook. You knew you signed up for Facebook. But you don’t know Google saves everything about you (you meaning your IP address, geo-located location and predictive demographic data) and monetizes that data in any way it pleases.

Funnel people...FUNNEL!!!!

I think the point is actually that most predictions are wrong because someone wants to be first (and also wants to make a prediction bold enough to earn a headline or sell a book). Predictions around climate change are actually coming true in a way that can’t really be debated. Over population I would argue has been a

Either you are assuming asymmetric population growth or you have a lot of confidence in your attractiveness.

One thought, the human race means nothing to itself more than you do to yourself. Let’s actually do stuff to make today (meaning today plus a 100 years or so) better. Pollute less, procreate less, and do better shit overall and we might just make it to “the Future”.

Disagree with your point 2. Having kids is hard, and I think many people override their desire not to have kids in order to conform with out-dated and irrational belief systems.

Overpopulation is a very real and critical problem. If you think global warming is real and is human-driven, then you have to recognize that overpopulation is a key input to the global warming problem.

Keep your grubby hands off the god damn moon.

Much better than fake grass or paving is to remove the grass and go with indigenous and drought-tolerant plants.

Wrong flag.