

do not like...bring back battleship yamato/star blazers

Wait for it

Will never not be too soon.

I have no interest in meeting an alien race that can't travel faster than light.

LOL...OK unless global warming has really changed Seattle weather since I left...Seattle is a crap city for bikes. It rained on me for days straight just going to and from the bus stop. A 5 mile bike ride would leave you soaked from head to toe, and that's if you were lucky enough not to slide down a hill into a bus.

Solution in search of a problem in the US. Even in a city like SF, 90% of the congestion is people commuting more than 10 miles (yeah, I just made that up, and yeah I am pretty sure its a higher percentage and a longer distance). These folks will not, I 100% guarantee you, ever jump on an e-bike for their morning


remind me again why these elevators couldn't use essentially maglev tech to lift and break? Cable used just for emergencies...

This happened years ago in the rest of the Bay Area, welcome to America, nothing is guaranteed and we might build a few "low income" units but no one gives a single flying shit about you if you are in the middle class.

If they need Dykes, we can supply.

-San Francisco

Yep, like back when Google/Samsung/Everybody was ripping of iPhone feastures etc, peeps were like "Hey it's no big deal, that was obvious." Karma's a bitch.

So many flaws in the article. First is the scale used is arbitrary and meaningless. An advanced society that never went through a massive population explosion like we did on Earth would likely not require resources beyond their solar system. Also, why assume advanced civilizations would care about talking to other

i got that one

And when a hacker seizes control and starts plowing into crowds?

Clearly will be decades before a car could detect and classify objects (human, log, other car, etc) and process the information into a decision in time to do something about it. For now it's just avoid that thing in front of me/to the side of me. I suppose at some point most humans will have personal security devices

No driverless car should be allowed on the road. Not now and not for a very long time.

I love all three :-)

useless and stupid intersect

Of course not...neither has ATT lol. They never controlled what went on the iphone as much as they wanted to, and this created benefits for all mobile device users.