
Father view here...first, who the heck thinks a 10yo boy would masturbate...I think most boys aren't doing that until 12 or so...and yes it is strange a parent would wonder about that at least into the teen years. Also, cutting? That's terrifying and I hope the experiences here are highly atypical. I won't be

Interesting point...I wonder who will own the data that comes off that phone if the OS is fully open source and untethered to google. I guess there is a difference between a "SAMSUNG PHONE" that runs a version of the OS (samsung will control, or at least will own said data as long as you don't realize you can shelve

Understand this...Google did not create Android so you could have free shit...they created it in order to monetize you from search, location based services and other follow on services. The carriers used Android to attack apple since the carriers want to control your shit, and Apple had too much leverage. Now that

And weaponized conservative outrage should be as banned outright.

She's saying she missed the whole point of the article, and also may not get the whole point of the show.

Let's address the even more discouraging trend to inject "hot" words into every headline. "Bizarre" "unique" "unusual" etc. I have seen formerly legit news sources resorting to this insipid form of click-baiting on a regular basis.


I could see how gravitational curvature could make observing the space or energy outside of our "universe" difficult (like being inside a huge bubble thinking that's all there is). Since I believe planet formation is more freq than steller formation, which is more freq than galaxy formation....I assume that our time

One singularity where all matter was tightly packed makes no sense whatsoever. I would think wormhole or tunneling from another universe. It just seems inevitable that we will discover there is matter and space outside of that predicted by a "one universe/one big bang" theory.

Failed states of the future creating make work to stave off their inevitable demise.

I think it's pretty clear the super-structure we call the "universe" is just one of billions of such structures. Since the first astronomers, we have been trying to declare our "planet, solar system, galaxy, universe" as unique, and it hasn't been right once.

Picture 100 versions of android iOS windows etc cars self driving and then overlay how poor we know all these companies to be at securing and verifying their software.

A large system of self-driving cars would be highly vulnerable to computing error or hacking. A system of automated trains is far less so. Having said that I could certainly see many of the sub-systems from a fully automated car filtering into primarily manual vehicles (of course they already are in higher end cars

It is precisely because of our scientific and primarily materialistic (it's a good thing) view of the world that our ignorant religious minority is fear biting. They know deep down their beliefs are rubbish and they hate that.

I doubt it. Our (IMHO localized) big bang event would have occured at a single point in space. We cannot point a telescope at this point since there is a mountain of shit between us and that point.

The bold langauge is the most important. This only detects something we think indicates life.

Re-read. If you are going far enough to need a self-driving car, the route could be supported by a train (preferably electric).

Wouldn't a train plus low-cost electric car at destination be better? Self-driving cars make no sense.

Yes what is this bullshit?