
I am an atheist but I will say this about both cyborgs and AI. I don't think either of them should be a goal. However, the ability to reproduce a wide range of functionality of the human body in order to help those that lose functions is clearly a very desirable outcome.

Physical space exploration is a gargantuan waste of time and resources. Our obsession with it is embarassing.

To say the Soviets didn't want to put men at risk from Solar Radiation is facially absurd.

Pluto is shy.

meh...i think it's rather obvious our "universe" is really just one of a rather large set of similar structures...we have always fallen into the trap of believing we are more special than we really are.

I prefer Sage the Gemini but Future is good.

Just flat wrong...the video is quite clear that the mazda had at least a full second to apprise themselves of the oncoming vehicle. Thank god it wasn't a kid on a bike. Maxda driver should lose their license permanently.

What about the vague brown in the app groups? Worst color evar!

You are Oort of your mind!

Not fair no one told humans it was a race.

Not AT&T

So Friday the 13th was the day Adam got lucky, and this is bad how???

I only wish they could have embiggered her personality while embiggering her eyes.

If you have used your iPhone like most people have, you are locked in due to app purchases. I assume the same is true for Android users. Therefore the only real battle between apple and the rest of the industry is for new to smartphone customers.

As a side note, if you use a certain platform, you should always

Straight up bro, Apple's design was copied by Nokia to begin with LOL.

Yes its a shame/tragedy that the innocent have been harmed by their own people.

Snowden is a flat out traitor who should be tried in absentia and executed on sight. This has nothing whatsoever to do with how you or I might feel about the US government's espionage activites conducted within or without the US.

OK....i will bite...what does SCIENCE say on the topic?

Fair enough and makes sense.

Your stupidity has me questionning whether we really have evolved from monkeys.