
Are you sure about the self-aware animal statement? But yeah duh, once we were human we had self-awareness, it just took a while to build a stockpile of human information so that we didn't have to concern ourselves with just staying alive. We started burying our dead because we stopped migrating LOL.

Actually it's completely rational. I don't believe gun ownership of any kind is an actual right but assuming it is, then ownership of single shot rifles and shotguns clearly meets the standard, esp since single shots were all that existed when the Constitution was drafted. Gun advocates use the constitution as a

I reject your attempt to limit or define my right to defend myself with any "arms" i deem necessary.

That covers the journalist not the whistleblower. For example, national security implications aside (mistake putting them aside here but just for fun) if you hack into your employers computers to download information that they legally but immorally bilk their customers, then you will be fully subject to termination

I doubt they would be too worried...think how easily we would be able to wipe out a planet of primitives that were like us circa 1000BC, and I think you can estimate the low level of effort it will take for them to eradicate us. I can't say it's the wrong answer given our general lack of respect for the planet or

He isn't a whistleblower for reasons well established (but including no illegal activity, no attempt to deliver the information internally first, etc.). In addition, no whistleblower is protected from illegal activity. People who are true whistleblowers come into contact with information legally that demonstrates

I have often hoped that the big brother house was full of aliens.

It summarizes statistical data not every death. Also missing some countries.

And cams that go off randomly to feed the YouTube channel....and snatch pics for instagram...

You forgot 3, any alien that enough tech to get to earth would be bored/scared shit-less and immediately bugger off to a place with nicer life forms. The government formed an alien study group in area 51 since they were to stupid to realize this, and now doesn't want to look that dumb to the public, so they invented

We should require all communications between government officials to be live blogged for all to see.

There is for sure no Area 53.

Which parts LOL, that there is a facility where we tested spy planes??? Honestly, I do believe we should disband the NSA, CIA, FBI and DOD and leave US security to the NRA-sponsored militias. The sound of car bombs going off and planes falling out of the sky would be slightly preferable to the caterwauling of


They should just declassify everything...who cares what happens after that. It's like gun control, never going to happen, grab some popcorn and a bullet proof vest and enjoy the bloodshed.

There is no Area 52.

The real reason they have failed is the lack of imagination, which consigns chinese companies to being at their best good at stealing technology and acheiving a a cost reduction that is some multiple of the quality reduction. They have done this pretty well reference your client, but it can't take them further than

And don't think for a second that I view the US as anywhere close to where we could be in this regard. Its just that China's leaders have been very successful in pursuing their objectives and in the US our leaders (and I mean CEOs here) need to work through a lot more noise to get results.

I was with you til you got to mao. I would have gone back much further. But I think someone from any country would be astonished to see their legacy converted into essentially one giant factory town, devoid of dreams or philosophy.

Of course. It is a huge lacuna in the average Joe's psyche in China. They want to be part of western culture, but in order to have a prayer of joining that culture, they have to work for companies (really the government) that is bent on robbing and stealing its way into the big leagues, thereby destroying the

The Chinese don't really purport to stand for anything today other than Chinese supremism. Their "success" is a estament to what happens when you combine a soulless autocracy with a focus on wealth creation (for the state). If the US just signed over the country to Disney, I think we would crush China in a year or