
Properly constructed, debate is highly valuable. The problem is we don't actually see debates in politics or in public life. Instead what we usually see are two contrary but unlinked positions being asserted (all Americans should have health care vs Obama is a socialist) and these "debates" are stillborn.

The reason it hasn't caught on is it is pretty useless. People have cash and credit cards and those actually work to buy stuff. I use the iphone app all the time at starbucks and it functions just dandy without NFC. So really NFC is just a marketing gimmick that some flack thought would help sell phones.

It's more like a Ferrari after everyone else copies it. What do you do next that ACTUALLY MATTERS? Answer—nothing, you just incrementally improve. You call it boring I call it logic. The features listed above 4G, NFC, wireless charging, and others massive screen, etc. are just hype, premature or too niche to

But if phone maker XXXX puts an 8 megapixel camera in their phone "OMG SEE APPLE IS BEHIND." The reality is the iphone only needs incremental improvement and the others are just anonymous clones in search of any useless feature to differentiate themselves.

Actually the current screen was and is the perfect size. But a small increase isn't going to hurt.

You are kinda missing the problem, its not just a scale to size, but the overall layout of screen controls etc ideally is optimized to the screen size and resolution. Having said that, it will be a lot easier for Apple to do a simple scaling that makes old apps still look better on the new iphone then many android

Does everyone see that annoying search box on all gawker sites??? HATE IT!

Makes my eyes bleed. It's like the worst of multiple decades. At least start by pushing that nose back a bit and making the whole thing a little less hyundai elantra.

Aww crap you gave away the ending! And I completely agree BTW.

Epic fail. Runs like shit and falls at the end and as others point out the cabling helps it balance. Usain has nothig to fear.

Exactly like republicans then.

Pretty sad when a dementia-riddled President like Raygun would upstage your current candidate.

Our entire process is based on letting the jury decide. Short of actual misconduct (as opposed to one juror bullying (these are adults folks) or stupidity), it would be inappropriate to overturn.

Asked and answered, the iPhone is just a cleaner implementation and the apps just work better. Plus your whole comment ignores the fact that most people pay much less for the iPhone and in fact my last two upgrades were free thanks to selling old iPhone on ebay.

It's an argument about nothing. Scientifically there are things that some women will struggle with, and there are also things that need to change in order to have women fighting side by side with men. This is just reality. Everything after that is implementation/execution and should be handled by technical warfare

Not sure what you mean...stealing ideas is certainly on par with stealing things, and in fact ideas are usually more valuable.

By your logic, stealing from Wal-Mart is OK because they make a lot of money and certainly they have been stolen from in the past. Apple created some real innovations and these innovations should be protected by law. Software patents and far worse method patents are a whole different issue. Patent trolls are

Yep, that's why there are trials, where facts determine whether copying occured or it was merely functional needs driving similar non-copied solutions.

Would take too long to respond in full but under the scenario you lay out, the companies that spend the least on R&D and have the lowest labor costs will always win. These companies will invariably be Chinese. Once these companies own the market, innovation will cease, since no one will have an incentive to create

And when a Yoder poops a floater near a Galilee boater, you have a Yoder floater boater battle.