
I ain't passed the bar but I know a little bit

Typically, "conservatives" don't even acknowledge the existence of time, space or reality.

So much win!

Or a toxic perfume that only kills men.

It's amazing to me you are worried about a ban on large capacity magazines because they are "fun for gun ranges"! OMG that's so wild to me...these magazines will likely facilitate the next mass killing of innocents and you are worried about needing to reload at the range????

Not really, guns kill and should be banned. Don't need to know anything about them other than that.

Yes, because of course if you ban and destroy ammo that will have no impact on how easy it is for criminals to get bullets...LOL

Nope you are not correct. The constitution only guaratees the right to bear arms not own them. Also, based on the republican's own strict contructionists, only guns available when the constitution was drafted should be legal today. also time place manner restrictions could easily be applied to ban handguns and

Asked and answered, background checks are a joke which we all know. Also we all know that ordering online is easier than looking someone in the eye to buy something.

No you are not correct. Since guns can travel easily, the law needs to be federal.

Oh please yes...pull up all the actual stories you can find where little miss sharpshooter capped some nasty guys and then let's compare that to the literal mountain of dead innocents from legally purchased guns.

You are correct. Based on the NRA/republican position, we should be able to buy bombs, guns, flamethrowers or anything else we want online and anonymously.

That's because you are trying to find a unicorn. The reality is guns don't protect people unless those guns are wielded by someone truly trained and reposnsible, e.g. the police.

Stupid half-assed gun laws don't do are correct. Also, safety regulations are why there are massively fewer on the job deaths, train accidents, etc. Could go on and on but you get the point. Don't buy into the NRA and relublican fueled anti-people agenda.

I am a strong supporter of citizen's rights not to be shot. Also we should ban any weapon that holds more than a single round (OK two if it's a shotgun).

Bullcrap...any broad bad on more than single shot guns combined with a robust seizure and destruction policy will make the kinds of guns he or any other mass killer uses much more difficult to find and more exepensive to purchase. These "it's too late to ban" arguments are a fiction from the NRA.

Downloading began because the greedy content companies wouldn't make their shit available for a truly reasonable price. Guns are sold to people who often want to use them to hurt people. Very different situations.

Under our current dark ages laws who cares if its technically illegal or not. It happens all the time. If you have anyone who doesn't like you they can have a gun in a few days and shoot you dead. Lovely state of affairs.

Sorry wrong. He wanted to shoot them dead as did the columbine and other killers. They want the sensation of actually killing people that a bomb doesn't provide.

Great point. No one should be able to walk into or browse onto a place that let's them buy ammunition period.