
Some people, even Democrats and liberals, find her annoying and the idea of her being President more like her taking what she believes to be her "due" or "reward".

I know that they are national organizations. Thank you for the info.

They're supposed to be whatever the college or university they've imposed themselves on will allow them to be.

Alright. I'll speak only to the viability of an all-female show.

Big surprise. This is who these people are. They're proud of this shit.

That is simply not true. "Survivor"and "Naked and Afraid" come right to mind as two high-profile and highly watched shows that have men and women in the roles. Female viewers are a key demographic for "Survivor" in fact as well as "Amazing Race", which , while not focused on survival skills per se, certainly has

Spare me. The last show Grylls produced on NBC had male and female teams. This show happens to be all-male. Possibly because he wants to explore the dynamic that happens in an all-male space, for good and bad. Remember, these shows are less about the "surviving" or skills and more about giving the audience

What to explain? At that level, it's not about "art". It's about having the rare. The hard to get. The thing that other people at your level will be envious about.

Another dirty hippie coming to throw down. Beat it, pothead!

You can calm down anytime now. Go do a bong hit or something.

"Thanks, guys. Now just set me up near the bar and hors d'oeuvres table and I'll be great. Come back in an hour for a ladies' room run, thanx k' bye!"

Fool, nobody cares what your trolling ass thinks about anything around here.

Dude, spare me. You put that crap out there to my comment about the kid. You meant it for me, don't lie now. It's childish.

But they didn't KNOW they couldn't get the toy they wanted UNTIL they bought, paid for, and then received the meal and toy. If they had known, they could have made a different choice, like forgoing the food and just buying the toy they wanted from a store.

Uh-huh. Okay. Sure it is.

It is to THEM.

Children are replaceable. Once your honor is gone, it's gone forever and your entire family is affected/besmirched.

God knows what I look like. He made me and endowed me with the spirit that can only afford tee-shirts and jeans.

If you weren't a whore, slavering for the male sex organ and its emissions, you wouldn't need an IUD, now would you, Salome?