
As a fat person as well (though, sadly, much much fatter than you) I understand humiliation only too well. I feel it every time I leave the house and walk among the normies. Once, I went on a date with this guy that I'd met online. I sent him several photos of myself (so that he'd know what he was getting himself


This is about promoting and perpetuating a "ruling class" clique in the school. The idea that certain girls are desirable and that only certain boys can "bid" to date them. It's more about retaining a hierarchy than anything else but also, obviously, makes the girls no more than prizes to be won. Why any girl would

I think you're just eager to use the word "neckbeards"

Regardless of what the Miami PD wants to call it, plenty of Jezzies have jumped all over Kapernick and what a rapist he is when he and his friends did the absolute RIGHT thing at every turn of the story that we know. He left the room and did not have sex with an intoxicated person. The other two guys left the room

There is a difference between victim blaming and presuming people to be innocent until they've been found guilty . And until now we have a lawyer throwing dirt around, hoping that something sticks.

As I wrote, I'm sorry for your pain. But I don't know what you expect me to do. What I wrote is already there. That happened before your comment. My original comment wasn't directed towards you but you chose to take it personally. You wanted to take it personally.

Yeah me too. I have a lot of crazy stories but they'd either doxx me or come back to haunt me later. This one is fairly benign as my stuff goes but still. I am a coward. :D

Cleaning a grease trap is horrible, foul business. Don't dump grease and fats down the drain.

Handcuffed in the back of a moving cop car.

I've been reading about, writing about, and roleplaying (LARP) vampires for many years, and it always frustrates me that people will let their racism shine through over things as silly as the presence of an Asian person or a free black person in period stories. You can suspend your disbelief enough to accept walking,

It's like the director said (I'm paraphrasing here): we need, need, to see portrayals of women of color being loved and cherished. This feels especially true for black women, where it seems like so often, we are figures of lust and derision, but not love. To see her as beautiful, and special, and lovely—that's

I've said it before and I'll say it again. When she says she knows nothing about her mother except that she was black, and the love interest responds, "then at least we know she was beautiful," I tear up. Every. Damn. Time.

What it doesn't have is a specific DECEASED designation that users can select in loved ones' profiles that will prevent suggesting to a dead person's friends that today might be a good time to wish them Happy Birthday (and prevent the embarrassing phenomenon of random people rotely wishing a dead person HAPPY

I learned about this movie on NPR this morning. Asante gives a great interview, and I am dying to see this movie now!

Hmm Stromae was big at least 5 years ago. We are certainly very late. I'm a fan of 'Te Quiero' myself.

Actually, facebooks job is precisely to add features that keep users interested in using it so they can sell ad revenue and collect data. How often they visit the pages of dead users could be very marketable.

Well, also, there is a way for profiles to be shut down when someone dies, so this article is pretty much just reactionary garbage. I'm sorry for the author's loss, but Facebook isn't a "digital graveyard."

I don't think she was complaining that it's hard for her to know whether or not someone is dead. Given that she's talking about a specific person here, I think she's pretty aware that said person is dead. It's more that she doesn't want to get heartrending notifications that it's someone's birthday or anniversary, or

Yep, that is the kind of change that can work best for a lot of folks. The little constant things. Like taking the stairs up to your second floor office. Walking to the grocery store that is just a half mile away for those 3 little things (saves on gas also). Heck my employer started giving us paid metro passes as a