It all seemed hinckey from the start. But it got lots of press and, if he hadn't made these 911 calls, she'd have a good set up for a civil trial.
It all seemed hinckey from the start. But it got lots of press and, if he hadn't made these 911 calls, she'd have a good set up for a civil trial.
This is about promoting and perpetuating a "ruling class" clique in the school. The idea that certain girls are desirable and that only certain boys can "bid" to date them. It's more about retaining a hierarchy than anything else but also, obviously, makes the girls no more than prizes to be won. Why any girl would…
Wow. Some women use a lot of product.
I thought their insurance would cover any settlements or civil judgements? It seems like they wouldn't suffer a bit.
Based on what I've read about his family, and his demeanor from the many photos taken at his hearing, this kid won't make it to 30. I'll be surprised if he survives to 25.
Either a miscommunication with Greg Jackson being out of the loop (unlikely) or just trying for an easy back-up if the Governor couldn't or wouldn't change his schedule to do the commencement once it was offered (much more likely).
I always have thought herding dogs look at the rest of world as one big mess of things to organize and can't understand why they just won't move the way they should when they should.
That's the way the holy wafer crumbles. *shrug*
It's hard not to. As yet, we've no reason, except gossip, to believe anything yet. Doesn't mean it didn't happen. Just that there's nothing but a lawsuit so far. He very well may have done it.
It's simple to me: Different strokes for different folks.
People believe in their friends until they have a reason not to.
He knows how to swing, it's true. The opening scene of "Shame" proved that.
"Suaveness"? More like a pile-up of pastiness.
There's really no reason to use animals in this way. I'm not a vegetarian and I realize that eating animals doesn't do them any favors either. But it's not all or nothing for me. It just seems like a bad thing to yoke an animal for sport or the pleasure of using it. They can be free and do as they please instead…
As I wrote, I'm sorry for your pain. But I don't know what you expect me to do. What I wrote is already there. That happened before your comment. My original comment wasn't directed towards you but you chose to take it personally. You wanted to take it personally.
Hunt Hunt
Pyramid of Giza. I'm not sure if there's a statute of limitations on desecrating national treasures in Egypt, so I'll say no more.
They want their vampires European and pasty!
He actually looks clean for a change. Nice cover.