
It must be unbelievably frustrating having to walk a fine line with an idiot in charge, it’s more unbelievable he isn’t arrested for killing thousands of people because he thinks it’s all fine.

Face it, there is an underlying theme of “Make Fauci look bad to deflect from Trump’s stupidity” that is out there and won’t go away.

It’s not Fauci’s fault if the people he’s advising don’t act on his advice. He can’t force Trump and his minions to act.

Thanks v much for the tips! I’ll order new cables and try trouble shooting this weekend. Good idea to replace with 105 if the brifters are busted, but there is no way in hell I am switching to barcons :-) Even when I did a bit of touring I never understood the attraction of barcons. In any case, brifters are awesome,

And in spite of people thinking expensive crap attracts people (maybe expensive, crappy ones), making things yourself actually does. I’ve had more interesting conversations (and got a few phone numbers) that started with people approaching me about stuff I’ve made and seen people ignore expensive stuff to look at

Did someone call me?

Just because it’s sitting right behind me, black biopace ring.

Bike sales are also through the roof thanks to gyms being closed.

That looks like it’s got an XT rear derailleur and what might be Deore crankset with the biopace rings swapped out. Good start. If it’s got the matching thumbshifters they have an invisible 8th spot so you can run a (more) modern 8sp setup. Make sure you have a cassette rear hub and not freewheel before you go

They also make their money off of staying in the public consciousness. Roles go to actors with a draw. So this is more than just being attention starved. This is smartly managing their careers in a slow time.

I’m not Walmart, I’m not Target. I’m not Apple.

My business survived being closed for nearly 3 months.

I stand behind the need for wearing a mask, and social distancing, but my business needs the business, and I’m not in a position to piss people off and drive away business.

It’s just the harsh reality I live in as a

While this is ripe territory for being a righteous passive aggressive asshole and I’m a bit for it...

I’m self employed, working in insurance (not health or life) and so far we’ve had a few customers come in that “forgot their mask”, we just ask them to get them, and it hasn’t been a big deal.

But one customer, of a very uniquely privileged variety, marched into my office without a mask, I asked them nicely about their

Sounds like a lot:

That was really good sax...I need a smoke.

Helicopters use “autorotation” for engine failures. This is where the rotor decouples from the engine and allowed to spin freely

They may also have a design trademark.  This is one area where copyright and trademark law overlaps a little.

“The study authors determined that these two-sided sun-tracking panels produce an average of 35 percent more energy than immobile single-panel systems, and are 16 percent more cost-efficient.”

Sigh... the panels don’t need gps to follow the sun. 

Eleanor’s likeness is also trademarked, so they do have to defend it. Taking a shot in the dark, I assume the company threatened to sue. And instead of fighting it in court, they settled out of court and part of the settlement was the Car being surrendered. Just a guess, and I’m not a lawyer