
As corny as it may sound, Oppo has filled a gap in many lives, mine included. It’s one of the few corners of the internet where things are kept civil. I’ve had the good fortune to interact with some fantastic people over the years and it really has become like a big family to me. We’ve supported so many of our

He also claimed the software is not used to surveil peaceful protests.”

“We need to ensure that no new buildings that get built can run on gas,” Seals said.

Our Explorer had this (the Explorer is gone now). It was great for doing all the things you said - locking stuff in the car without worrying about keys, getting back into the car when the keys are locked in, etc.

It’s hard to beat a Logitech mouse if you’re a righty. My current daily is an M705 Marathon.

It’s hard to beat a Logitech mouse if you’re a righty. My current daily is an M705 Marathon.

You suggested that we can’t fix this by planting trees. I think your assumption is that most people think that planting trees is the ultimate solution. I give people more credit than that. Most people realize that if we are releasing carbon from one source, it has to be captured from another if we are going to have a

If the fuel load is low (fewer leaves/needles on the ground), then burning is an effective way to keep the fuel load low without injuring the trees. It’s when the fuel load gets high that fires get really dangerous. Hot fires can kill large trees, especially if they jump from the undergrowth to the tops of the trees.

We can have a net positive effect by utilizing the trees that we plant. By planting trees, then using the wood for building materials, we effectively sequester that carbon. If you really wanted to make a net positive impact, grow the trees, then bury them in a water-saturated environment. They won’t burn, they won’t

Every potential solution has its own potential problems. Let’s consider trees. Trees provide shade. They also topple in high wind events, causing physical damage to the buildings they shade and the power lines that keep those buildings cool. Some also emit VOCs which are a health risk. In areas prone to wildfire,

I’m pretty sure that’s what happened to my iPad and phone which were stolen last year. They were shut down and never appeared on the network again.

Did you try streaming audiobooks on any of the devices? I had great results from a small JBL speaker, but the Altec Lansing I received as a gift cuts off the beginning of the next sentence every time the reader pauses for a breath. It makes listening to the story impossible.

Trails are a funny thing. Multi-use trails are often set up to accommodate both cyclists and walkers/joggers, but most of the ones I’ve been on are multi-use in name only. In either case, dog-walkers ruin it for everyone by letting their dogs wander all over the trail.

That has almost the same footprint as a car. It’s also not weather-tight. 

BMW tried an enclosed scooter. It failed. The biggest problem from a rider perspective was it being top-heavy and ungainly. The seating position made it difficult to balance when stopped.

In the desert, with access to water? Yeah, we’re already doing that.

Awesome. Thanks!

Please help pull the post below out of the greys. Mr. Piggy isn’t going to respond, so it will continue to be hidden without anyone seeing it.

It’s clear that Fauci is in a precarious position with his job - if he doesn’t toe the line during official announcements, he is likely to lose his job. From a recent inverview:

Your response to the people in this thread is the same as Trump’s response to Fauci’s recommendations. If you can’t understand that Fauci sounded the alarm and Trump ignored it, how can you blame Fauci for Trump’s failure to understand? Calling for Fauci’s removal is like taking the batteries out of the smoke alarms