
So sad.

Logitech MX Master 1,2,3 or whatever current iteration is.

Logitech MX Master 1,2,3 or whatever current iteration is.

I actually know some things about this type of thing.

eh, ATT, Verizon, etc have been doing this for years

This is actually a fault of this article — the study did in fact compare other masks:

As someone who is a “supertaster” it SOUNDS really cool and exciting but the only real result is that cilantro is fucking gross, it’s not a very good superpower at all. I also find grapefruit to be mostly inedible. 

You danced all around it. It’s called depth of field. The longer lens compresses the area of sharp focus. You don’t need to go all the way to 300 mm, just shoot wide open, smallest f-stop you’ve got. It works better with longer lenses, but the f-stop is more important.

Is there a Chrome extension that gets rid of the shitty slideshow on Kinja?

Seems like they turned bricks into capacitors. 

The process produces tons of highly radioactive waste, the ingredients to create nuclear weapons, potential instability that could lead to a destructive nuclear meltdown, and other concerning issues.

“They’re [e-bikes] truly replacing vehicles for some people who can move down to being a one-car family and can feel comfortable riding 4 to 10 miles to work and not have to change when they get there or be able to carry everything that they need,”

I won’t spoil the story for you

I am a professional astronomer. I design and build the cameras that look at the stars (think Hubble or Gemini, not a backyard toy). The more detritus that crosses the night sky, the more difficult to study the nature of the universe. For each streak that crosses a single frame, an additional frame is required to

“I will turn this store around right now if you kids don’t settle down!”

How effective would it be against the mechanical force of heavy-duty bolt cutters though?

The letter writer didn’t say they can’t learn a new skill, they said they are at a point where it is essentially too late to retrain for a new career - there’s a big difference between the two.

You really don’t need to over think this. All bikes you are likely to see are “English” threaded, spacers to make up stack height are effectively just 1" washers, and you don’t need to replace with a roller bearing headset, any headset will do. You definitely don’t need a fancy Chris King headset which will still be

You can replace the roller bearing headset with any other threaded headset of the proper fork diameter. The spacers needed to make up the 45mm stack height can be any washers of the proper diameter. You could cut a piece of pipe to the right length if you wanted. Or go to a bike shop that has been in business for a