
Not all of it is insured, many of the local businesses aren’t. And even if it is insured many of the companies won’t move back into the space, instead preferring to move elsewhere. These riots and looting destroy the community.

Now I want to see this show. Still animate it, still set it with the lower ranked crew, but set every episode during a recognizable episode of TOS/TNG/DS9 etc. and show the ensigns freaking out behind the scenes. Every episode can start with a “This week, on Star Trek” and show a minute of clips from the episode that

Indeed! But those ain’t cheap. There are several flavors of Powered Air Purifying Respirators. One outfit sells a health-care oriented kit at 3M™ Versaflo TR-300N+ HKL Healthcare PAPR Kit - Med/Lg for $1149.99. (Currently under if-they’ll-sell-one-to-you-at-all restrictions, and then with a “2-3 month” lead time, but

Deblais and his collaborators had better hope there’s no such thing as Ironic Hell.

Which reminds me of the jokers in my dorm, who would map people’s keyclicks to things like the Imperial March. Or submarine dive sirens.

Can you tell him Oppo is still alive and well?

The ringing of the bell makes me automatically jerk my right arm up to the carriage return that no longer exists. Pavlov and my high-school typing teacher would both be proud.

Misheard ATC calls are really common, we’ve all been corrected in read backs, and it’s exactly why we read back. Listening to the ATC audio, it sounds pretty clear, but again that’s on the recording, he was in a Husky, likely had a window open which makes hearing even more difficult.  Thousands of these incursion

I was just thinking that these might be the sorts of mistakes any amateur pilot would make. Flying is complicated, air traffic control is complicated, and I imagine properly hearing instructions from controllers and responding perfectly is difficult. There are probably also a lot of safety margins built in to flight

Look. I like Jalopnik, and most of the authors. But none of you are pilots, as far as I can tell, and it really shows.

You know how many times I’ve seen people cross the active when they’re not supposed to, especially at municipal airports? How many times I’ve misheard ATC and been corrected by my co-pilot, or vice

Reminds me of my days in corporate espionage.

Wait... there’s no option to go find a rotted-out Jeep Comanche from Craigslist and restore it with welds to the frame then drive into the action and winch out a postal Jeep stuck on a rock at the bottom of the Hogback on the White Rim Trail in Moab? This will never catch on with Jalopniks. 

Mushrooms are the above ground fruiting/reproductive body of the fungus that exists mostly below ground it spends part of it’s life not making mushrooms, and people are less interested in what looks like glowing moldy dirt.

Fun fact: the Cessna 337, also known as the Skymaster, is a unique light twin with its engines front and rear. Some 3,000 were built between 1963-1982:

Timer, a cheap fishtank grow light, and pint glasses in an Ikea (wall mounted) wine holder. Biggest problem is an occasional fruit fly.

I mean now it would cost less than 20 bucks to order a smart plug adapter too. 

You wouldn't like that if it were the other way around so no thanks.

New Rule: you harass the medical personnel, you don't get medical treatment.

Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo. 

I’m a fan of the ship shipping ship shipping shipping ships.