
Insurance is actually one of the more reasonable aspects of flying, believe it or not. The more flying time you have, generally, the lower your premiums become. 

Exactly.  I own on an airstrip and see how the costs weigh people down after awhile.  Two dozen homes, three dozen planes--- only a handful of which can still afford to fly.  It’s a rich man’s hobby, regrettably.

Owning a plane is wildly expensive and not really comparable to owning a car, and though in some ways it is like a house, your house doesn’t cost hundreds or thousands of dollars an hour to operate (yes, an hour). On top of the mentioned fuel and overhaul cost, there are a myriad of items that require an annual

In this instance, I think shopper cadence” means how often people go to certain parts of the store. It’s the business-y use of the word. The first time I heard someone refer to a “meeting cadence,” I was like WTF are they talking about? But “cadence” in this sense doesn’t have to do with voice, so much as how often

Funny thing, but in another comment on another post, I wrote that I am not a big fan of the concept of the slippery slope, but here I am going to argue the opposite.

Screw this.  If k or ok does the job that is what I am using.  If you can’t handle it.....too bad.

George, all amniotes have an aortic arch, not just whales. In all mammals, it’s pretty rubbery - a predominance of elastic connective tissue rather than smooth muscle in the tunica medialis - and functions as the first part of the efferent systemic circulation that stores the energy of systole and returns it to the

“30 meters (98 feet) in length and weigh an astonishing 173 metric tons (380,000 pounds or 172,365 kilograms)“

This is interesting, but I have no idea how you’d make a boat hull out of this, or whether it would work when scaled up to usable levels. With 3d printing, you can also trap air inside metal parts and make them float, and that might be more practical.

Why? Because autoplay videos take up unnecessary bandwidth.

If the EVs get to make whining noises then so should I.

Sounds like any electric RC car I’ve ever heard...but more bigger. Actually it pretty much sounds like any current quadcopter. I mean, that’s the point though, right? You aren’t wasting energy as sound

Not really a thing for bikes (except to sucker people). It’s physically impossible to hydroplane a road bike tire under real world conditions because of the shape, and the immense amount of pressure. Obviously they don’t work as well in the wet, but cutting out rain groves or other sipping would only decrease the

Companies that use WeWork networks are as responsible for their own cyber-security, IMO

Mass shootings killed around 300 people last year. Tragedies to be sure, but statistically very rare. You’re more likely to get hit by lightning, literally. You’re much more likely to be killed by a drunk driver.

The answer to all of those questions is “nothing,” and we’d just go about our lives with this interesting new bit of information available. People have been so invested in the idea that the government knows what’s up that they haven’t stopped to think about what it means if the government actually didn’t but all this

So apple shouldn’t be taxed in the EU because their products were developed in the US, but they also shouldn’t be taxed in the US because their HQ is in the EU.  Makes total sense. 

Oh, Theranos. I keep getting that company mixed up with Thanos. For a second there I was worried that MIT invented plants that arbitrarily kill off half of the population or something. Glad I was mistaken.

This is nice in theory. But in real life, most people just talk and talk and talk and talk if you let them. Waiting two seconds, even if they *were* done, is just long enough for them to decide that they weren't done.

Doing this in a meeting will mean you will never speak; Or by the time everyone has said their piece, the context has changed; Or you’ve forgotten what you were going to say.