
Nope. Front u-joint.

There’s this part that usually gets installed with high horsepower builds... it’s called a driveshaft loop. It’s used in case you overpower your poor ujoints or old driveshaft. Would have saved a lot of damage in this case for sure.

That's what texting and driving will do to you. Yoke*

yoke fyi :) eggs have yolks. mechanical linkages (and horses) have yokes.

And the number next to the star shall serve as a tally of how many engineers are reading Jalopnik.

Do you even FMEA bro?

I sometimes run in to the daycare center to pick up one kid while leaving my 6 year old happily in the car. Once I came out and another parent scolded me and gave me a despising glare. Whatever. When I was the same age I used to walk home from school and cross a huge boulevard to get home. Kids these days are going to

Your dog could help protect your child.

My step-son-in-law was just in the market to buy a truck, and once the vehicle was bought would have no money for a breakage event. The three things I drilled into him were:

“laying down” is good only to pass beneath an obstacle, but rubber has better grip on the road than aluminum or steel does, so if they need to stop, use the tires, not the crankcase. Maybe they live near Michael Bay (a sunny subdivision with plenty of flair) where tractor trailer rigs regularly jack-knife into

I ride. A lot. I also tend to ride alone because of the immaturity I see from other riders. These guys chant ‘safety, safety’ when they’re at the bar downing Jagerbombs then get right out on their Harleys and run red lights going 30 over the speed limit. It’s really frustrating.

Back in college I was driving with expired tags. Cop pulled me over and I waived a recent parking citation out the window (implying that I just received a ticket for my tags). Pig kept on moving

“Using the system to navigate through the songs on a USB-connect iPod is ridiculous. It scrolls through every single song, One. At. A. Time. There is no jumping ahead by first letter and holding down the button doesn’t make it go any faster.”

Logitech m570- win more thumb wrestling contests.

Logitech m570- win more thumb wrestling contests.

Carrying passengers and having a place to put your wet skis/snowboards without making a mess of your interior. Even without passengers, ski equipment up top and luggage/ski clothing in the rear.

Skis and snow gear are wet, stinky, and don't always fit so easily anywhere. The box keeps everything clean and tidy.

I missed posting in the original questionnaire, but thought long and hard about this and though a WW2 era Willys Jeep would be high on my list, it came down to a fatbike due to ease of maintenance, parts supply and the fact that gasoline goes bad after several years. My friend's bike is pretty close to exactly what

Now playing

Prepare to get angry. This is the worst dashcam I've seen in a while.