
Not sure...

In my 48 years on this planet in the US, the only guns I have seen in public are on the hip of a police officer.

In such a situation, it it far too easy to mistake the velocitator for the deceleratrix.

Water fueled internal combustion engines

That's the joke. They're called NACA ducts.

Holds too many kids and kids in groups are more likely to do stupid stuff. Also...rolling bedroom, no bueno.

That kitteh is about to be runned over!!! Move out the way, kitteh!!! MOOOVE!!!

Now playing

YEEEE HAAAARR, lets have some more of this :-D :-D

...The World's Best License Plate

I understand why they used deaths per million cars as a metric (it's easy). Deaths per million miles driven would be much more valuable, though.

Power Wagon

Dodge Challenger. As all you'd do is square up to people at stop lights.

If you want to try soaring, go on the SSA web page and look for a club in your area. Most have instruction facilities, and are a great way to get into the sport. Highly recommend.

This sounds like a job for......

People hone their abilities by practicing them. Practicing makes smart people smarter, and inspires both them and others. Things like Minecraft are good avenues for complex problem solving.

Man, what a disappointment. I was hoping it would be found inna barn somewhere, needing salvage and TLC and we (as Jalops) could all pitch in and buy it for $kaycog and she could go all Project Car Hell on it and eventually find out it was yours truly who started this whole thing and she contacted me by secret email

The worst part of the Deora? Not being able to find your surfboards.

"This fall on MSNBC, a very special new series! 'Tesla' follows the story of a lone environmentalist and his high-tech electric car righting environmental wrongs, and seeking out carbon-free, shade-grown, sustainable, free-range, gluten-free, fair-trade, renewable justice."

In case anyone is wondering, they recommend: