Then fire up this video on your phone for inspiration. Watch it, absorb it, internalize it, cherish it. Drive up to 30 MPH, and attempt a quick left-right maneuver in your car that doesn't have the center of gravity of a Pinzgauer. Feel the limits of your own driving, and enjoy the benefits of newly acquired knowledge.
Public roads belong to everyone, not just car owners, and gas taxes do not cover the cost of roads.
As a guy with about 40 sailplane launches under his belt (being towed, as a student), this sounds like it's gonna be really hard and really dangerous in every way, both to the surfer as well as the tow pilot.
That makes total sense when earplugs cost so much these days...
Flair vs flare
That was the music the actual pilots were listening to during the rescue. All helicopter rescues are performed to awesome rock ballads.
If they made it as a hatch I might have to have one. But never a sedan. I live in ski country, have dogs, a wife, a kid... I need the space as much as I need the performance. I like everything else they've done with this model, in terms of the improvements over the last gen, but no hatch, no sale.