
My step-son-in-law was just in the market to buy a truck, and once the vehicle was bought would have no money for a breakage event. The three things I drilled into him were:

Much thanks, some folks just want hits for cash, they don’t care if sensationalism leads the masses to do stupid things including ordering restrictions no things that don’t need them. our time is better spent on more important endeavors, your research has concluded this is the case. Thanks! 8-)

“laying down” is good only to pass beneath an obstacle, but rubber has better grip on the road than aluminum or steel does, so if they need to stop, use the tires, not the crankcase. Maybe they live near Michael Bay (a sunny subdivision with plenty of flair) where tractor trailer rigs regularly jack-knife into

I ride. A lot. I also tend to ride alone because of the immaturity I see from other riders. These guys chant ‘safety, safety’ when they’re at the bar downing Jagerbombs then get right out on their Harleys and run red lights going 30 over the speed limit. It’s really frustrating.

Back in college I was driving with expired tags. Cop pulled me over and I waived a recent parking citation out the window (implying that I just received a ticket for my tags). Pig kept on moving

I never understood why so many people keep their seats so low that their knees are touching their eyeballs. The knee at the lowest position on the petal is supposed to be almost fully extended for an efficient ride.

“Using the system to navigate through the songs on a USB-connect iPod is ridiculous. It scrolls through every single song, One. At. A. Time. There is no jumping ahead by first letter and holding down the button doesn’t make it go any faster.”

Any scout leader talking about their sex life, be it homosexual or otherwise should not be tolerated, so that being the case then it shouldn’t matter whatever a person does in their “private” life.

I am an avid biker (and commute year round by bicycle) and couldn’t agree more.

Another bike commuter here. In my city it’s illegal on nearly all sidewalks to ride your bike. This doesn’t prevent the vast majority of riders from doing so, but it needs to be said that 95% of the time the correct location for a bike is on the road.

What does Italian hair gel have to do with anything?

....and that is why you don't preemptively turn your wheels when you come to a stop.

Logitech m570- win more thumb wrestling contests.

Logitech m570- win more thumb wrestling contests.

I’ll quote Mark in your argument with Wes, “asking people like Greenpeace to recognize the apparently subtle difference between sustainable and unsustainable forestry is likely a gigantic waste of everyone’s time.”

Why don't they add capsaicin or bitter apple to the cables jacketing material during manufacturing? That should solve the problem.

They're just hungry for information.

In the continental U.S. we actually have more forested land than any time since the late 1800’s specifically because of the widespread implementation of sustainable forestry.

This is, of course very different from the actual deforestation we see in south America where they are mostly taking down rain forests to

The corresponding forest gain map would be useful, as well. The net is still lost acres (or the site’s European hectares) both worldwide and in the U.S. alone. The magnitude, however, is substantially less when you fairly incorporate gains that have been made through reforesting efforts.

Great point - logging practices are self-sustaining and more trees are planted than removed. I am a fan of the timber industry in the United States. That said, there are other factors besides logging. Just one example - the pine beetle, whom is benefiting greatly from the warming climate, is destroying tens of

18 million hectares world wide sounds like a lot!