
Carrying passengers and having a place to put your wet skis/snowboards without making a mess of your interior. Even without passengers, ski equipment up top and luggage/ski clothing in the rear.

Skis and snow gear are wet, stinky, and don't always fit so easily anywhere. The box keeps everything clean and tidy.

I missed posting in the original questionnaire, but thought long and hard about this and though a WW2 era Willys Jeep would be high on my list, it came down to a fatbike due to ease of maintenance, parts supply and the fact that gasoline goes bad after several years. My friend's bike is pretty close to exactly what

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Prepare to get angry. This is the worst dashcam I've seen in a while.

Not sure...

In my 48 years on this planet in the US, the only guns I have seen in public are on the hip of a police officer.

In such a situation, it it far too easy to mistake the velocitator for the deceleratrix.

Water fueled internal combustion engines

That's the joke. They're called NACA ducts.

Eric, it's bad enough when the NSFW articles have accompanying graphics that we don't have the option to click away at work, but is 28 point FUCK really necessary in the headline? You write good articles, this gratuitous profanity is totally unnecessary. (It isn't necessary in the body of the article either, but

Holds too many kids and kids in groups are more likely to do stupid stuff. Also...rolling bedroom, no bueno.

Cost is part of it. But it's also logistics. Off-loading chemicals, oil, agricultural products, etc. means risk of spills. Building rail and road connections would trade one form of environmental damage for another. And one hurricane in the Gulf shuts the whole thing down, as opposed to a port further inland which has

I had a lot of fun (not) with my ~2007 15" Macbook Pro. Wanted to jump up to a 500GB drive, had to remove some screws, take out keyboard and part of top case, then delicately disconnect the ribbon SATA cable. This happened to be glued onto the drive, so I had to warm slightly and very gently peel it off like a

TheRealBicycleBuck is 100% correct. If you really want to get into flying multirotors, you need to do a little more reading. You should probably also have a little humility and admit when you're wrong. It doesn't make you less of a man, but more of one.

That kitteh is about to be runned over!!! Move out the way, kitteh!!! MOOOVE!!!

Great! Now I'll have every cat in the neighborhood chasing after my car.

beautiful guns but coming from a USPSA background I would think there has to be a better place to put the air/pressure gauge.
