
When someone purposely shuts down the system like this, they aren’t just taking their own life, they are directly affecting thousands of lives and even putting some of those lives at risk. You may think that I’m not looking beyond my own problems, but I’m thinking about all of the people who miss connections and are

Agreed. I didn’t suggest they shouldn’t have shut down the trains. I pointed out that actions like that affect many, many lives, not just the one who committed suicide.

You don’t know a thing about either of those people, so don’t go making any assumptions about their lives or how horrible they were. Two members of my extended family committed suicide and neither of them lived lives which justified their deaths. One committed suicide because he did something stupid and was facing a

On my first trip to DC, someone committed suicide by train. We were halfway between DC and Maryland when they kicked everyone off the train. It took nearly an hour to get a bus to the station and we had to literally push our way onto it, 6-month old baby in my arms. Fortunately, a few parents pitched in to make sure

How do you know it was a tragic life and a horrible death? If it were a painful, traumatic death, he certainly wouldn’t have remained sitting up when he died. 

My wife was not happy when I pointed out that our Outback wagon had more ground clearance at 8.7" than her 2013 Explorer SUV at 7.6". Then I made her really mad by calling her unibody Explorer a really tall station wagon.


Now playing

They need a few appropriately positioned sentries.

And for those (like me) who have no clue what a Japanese yokai is, here’s the description from wikipedia:

The researchers don’t discuss the longevity of the treatments. Since they have sections of the eyes, I’m guessing they didn’t test for longevity, instead opting for proof of concept and sacrifice of the animals so they could determine the mechanics of the attachment. There’s nothing to indicate whether or not the

Yes there are thermal cameras available which do not require cooling. They require the use of some interesting materials (which you may not want in your eyeballs), their operating temperature is only slightly above room temperature, they have a relatively narrow sensitivity range, and they have poor thermal

You are still confused. Any heat given off by a body would be THERMAL and would be transmitted in the far-IR wavelengths. The technique demonstrated here gives the ability to detect near-IR, not far-IR.

There’s a big difference between seeing near-IR and thermal. We won’t be able to see thermal with just a nanoparticle upgrade. Thermal radiation is far-IR. Visualizing heat requires special sensors which are cooled. Without the cooling, the sensor gets overwhelmed by it’s own thermal radiation and returns a constant

Many of the crops on non-irrigated lands are in areas where normal rainfalls make crop production possible without irrigation and these are often within reach of major water bodies. Farmers have just chosen not to irrigate because crop insurance covers years when rainfall is below normal.

It will not “ALL fail. At once.” Even the alarmists in the article say the losses could reach 18 percent. That’s a far cry from ALL of the crops failing at once. The biggest risk on crop growth is the availability of water. As of the last Agriculture Census in 2012, less than 1/4 of the available cropland was

More hand-wringing.

It would really help the discussion if everyone would separate the issues into their constituent parts. Part one: is the climate changing? Even though there are problems with the data, most scientists agree that the climate is changing

Crying? I always thought they were playing hide-and-seek. Just shows you how deeply steeped in “car culture” I am.

I’ve witnessed tarantulas gathering on the highway to be squished in southwestern Oklahoma. My grandpa tried to swerve to miss them at first, but soon gave up. The mess they left on his truck was impressive.

I watched a girl eating either cereal or oatmeal as she was driving down the road. The bowl was in her left hand, the spoon in her right.