
Like this.

And in Western Oklahoma.

Churches don’t choose to be pokestops or gyms. Ingress players submitted portals for that game, then Niantic selected from those portals to create the Pokestops and gyms.

I’m catching up with them on I-10 between Baton Rouge and Houston. My wife is from the Valley, so we’ve seen a lot of those on 59 too. 


Or the phone that keeps ringing in my pocket, but is clearly sitting on my desk.

If you’re looking for something different, then order up a Dragon Clutch from Swamp Dragon.

If you’re looking for something different, then order up a Dragon Clutch from Swamp Dragon.

Not true.

This is another point where the naysayers conflate the information to incite panic. Let’s be clear here, the CDC data does not distinguish between firearm types, so there’s no way to know, in the exceedingly rare instances where a child was killed with a firearm, whether the firearm used was a handgun or a long gun.

As 6Stringtheory said, you’ll spend about a grand to get started, but you’ll have some recurring costs, most notably batteries, props, and arms. The batteries are so that you have plenty on charge and ready to go. Props and arms are the first thing to break when you crash and you will crash a lot. Your transmitter and

I grew up as my mom’s driving assistant. I learned how to shift by sitting in the passenger’s seat and shifting the gears while she worked the clutch. I got so good at it that she didn’t have to tell me to shift. I just listened to the engine, paid attention to the speed were going and the road ahead, then selected

To evaluate the real risk, let’s start with the baseline risk as identified in the article: 0.63 firearm deaths per 100,000 children aged 1 to 4. That translates into a 0.00063% chance of death by firearm. The risk includes both intentional (homicide) and unintentional deaths. The homicide rate is 2.4 per 100,000 for

This is a bunch of hyperbole. The overall per-capita death rate for kids less than one is 656.4 per 100,000. The per-capita death rate for kids 1 to 14 is 18.7 per 100,000. In keeping with the quote from the article, the overall per-capita death rate (all causes) for kids 1 to 4 is 28.4 per 100,000.

Except that you’re wrong. Jobst Brandt literally wrote the book on this.

That’s an excellent point. When I was younger (and dumber), I would draft semis on purpose. I had a small truck with a small engine with terrible aerodynamics and long distances to drive, so I made a game of it. I knew exactly how close I had to get before I could ease up on the throttle and how close I had to be

You’ve got it all wrong. They are improving their fuel efficiency by taking advantage of your van’s rather large slipstream!

I’ve learned that cruise control isn’t perfect. While dealing with my mom’s illness, my family made several trips between Baton Rouge and my mom’s home in Oklahoma. We had to take two cars on a few of those trips. After a few hours of driving each other crazy with cars not maintaining a constant speed (and blaming

Now playing

Unparalleled masters of disguise? More like a one-trick pony. It’s a neat trick and they are fascinating animals, but their capabilities pale in comparison to cephalopods.

I used to play TF competitively and I was the only one who used a trackball. The other guys thought I was nuts. Perhaps I was, but I was competitive!

I used to play TF competitively and I was the only one who used a trackball. The other guys thought I was nuts.