
Abuse? I thought it was made to do this!

Agreed. Even better would be to take a cue from our Eastern friends and offer a simple bow.

I’ll need to go read the paper, but my first thought is whether or not they controlled for exposure rates to infectious vectors. In my work, I meet a lot of people and we always shake hands. It makes me wonder if the fist bump, as much as I don’t like it, should become an acceptable substitute. Now I’m wondering if

I wouldn’t be surprised if they plan to use some type of “forged” carbon fiber. This differs from traditional molded CF in that the fibers are short and randomly oriented instead of long and woven into a cloth. They claim forged CF is easier to work with and provides similar strength.


Good thing it wasn’t real cement or Plaster of Paris. He could have cooked his head even without the microwave being plugged in.

“...and turn your wheels inward.”

My mother passed earlier this year and we embarked on a journey of junk management that I thought would never end. I received my grandmother’s china directly from her the year before she passed. It’s hanging out in our attic. I received my mom’s china a few years ago. It’s keeping company with grandma’s china in the

I just quit playing a “free” game with micro transactions. The paying players level up twice as fast, can afford the best protection, and cruise around pounding on lower-level players. The worst part is the persistent world. You can be attacked while you are offline, so if your shields go down while you are asleep,

Perhaps they should talk to some people in commercial forestry. Tree shelters have been available for years and are very effective at protecting from deer browse. They also provide a mini-greenhouse effect, extending the growing season and providing extra moisture for the sapling inside.

Indeterminate pronouns strike again.

No, I’m responding to the guy’s question, “Am I a bad person because all I want to know is what kind of drone this is?” That implies he wants to know the make and model of the one pictured.

He may not have linked to the manufacturer, but it is clearly written in the photo caption:

Trilaterate. They determine your location by measuring the signal strength to multiple cell towers, a proxy for the distance to each of those towers. With one tower, the result is a circle around the tower. Two towers yield two approximate points where the circles overlap. Three towers gives you a fairly accurate

Just keep in mind that the oil will be shipped, whether by pipeline, rail, boat, or truck. The question then becomes: which is the safest? James Conca of Forbes tried to answer that question.

And they are a-holes for doing it.

I switched steam accounts (long story) and they continue to refuse to let me move purchases from the first account to the second. Your best bet is to hand over the username and password to one of your kids.

A quick glance at the paper shows that they may have failed to take into account the distance to the next nearest tree. In a forest, trees are relatively crowded and compete for resources such as sunlight. The competition affects the morphology of the tree, causing it to grow upward and with fewer low branches. Forest

Keep it low, slow, and close to you. The wind is usually stronger just 50 feet up. Bigger quads with GPS can keep station, but it’s at the expense of the battery and will significantly shorten the flight time. As your skills improve, flying higher, faster and farther away will be easier.