
I’ve had a similar issue with Direct TV. I received one of their customer’s personal information including her signed contract. I spoke with their customer service department three times and they kept emailing me information meant for her. I finally called her directly and told her what was going on. She finally got

As your parents used to say, use your words. Emojis can help clarify what you are saying, but only cause confusion when they are used to replace written words.

My mother fell out of the car when she was a child. My grandpa turned a corner, the door opened and she just fell out. When my grandma tells the story, what she remembers most vividly is seeing her daughter’s bloody blonde curls bouncing up and down as she ran after the car.

Why was the cameraman able to get two videos at the same spot? Was the driver doing laps?

My first truck was an ‘83 B-2000, white with a blue interior. The only upgrades were a/c, a rear bumper, and a snazzy blue stripe down the side. It didn’t even have a stereo. My teenage self put all 80 of those horses into use every time I drove that truck. That was more than enough. It really taught me the meaning

The basic heel-strike walk causes the heel to hit the floor/ground pretty hard. When I was a child, we moved into a house built on piers. My mom started yelling at me all the time for “stomping” through the house. I learned pretty quickly how to walk softly on the balls of my feet.

The best I’ve seen isn’t a high school. It’s the UAM Boll Weevils.

It can. We enabled that functionality last weekend. After I enabled it, I started messing with my son by playing music “everywhere” which included his room. Every time I started it, he would tell it to stop. I did it three or four times before he finally figured out something was up. :)

He probably needs to see it for himself. Instead of sending four cameras up, he could use the money to strap four weather balloons to a chair and see it in person. Just remind him to dress warm and carry some oxygen.

No disagreement here. In the arms race between UAVs and lasers, it’s clear that there’s a lot of room for improvement on both sides. For the UAVs, I see a need for reflective materials, heat resistant materials, sensors which can detect the laser or temperature increases, automated active avoidance for when they are

Let’s get back to the primary issue. This all started because the author said they were using their own fuel source against them when they were clearly targeting the tail. If I were targeting, the tail is a good choice and it was clearly effective. It just had nothing to do with what the author stated.

“WRT a flying wing, damaging almost any part of the structure will render it too unstable to fly.”

These guys use paper cut from a paper bag to create a filter for the air to flow through:

Now playing

For argument’s sake? The picture is a foam model. I’m sure a laser could easily take that model down. :)

The tail on the aircraft they were shooting down is critical to flight. It provides positive control for pitch and yaw. If there were a pilot on board when the tail was lost, the only recourse would be to bail out.

I don’t think he meant what you think he meant. The laser doesn’t have fuel - it “is powered by a Rolls-Royce turbo generator.” It wouldn’t make sense for the laser to use fuel (diesel, gasoline?) against the drone.

“...the laser destroys them by using its own fuel source against them.”

All the while over in Oppoland, flippers are the heroes and Porsche is the bastard for trying to prevent sales over MSRP....

So THAT’s where the gremlins come from!