
I should have put in a comma to make it clearer.

Go read the papers. It seems counterintuitive, but the cost of services like fire protections, sewer, water, police protection, schools, etc. cost more to provide than local property taxes can cover. Most places have to generate money from commercial property, sales, and income taxes to make up the difference. If it’s

I think everyone is ignoring that fact that somebody decided that the blight needed to go. Most laws aren’t enforced unless somebody complains, it’s something that costs the government money, or it’s something that is actively monitored (I’m thinking environmental contamination here). I doubt that this fellow’s

And in another 10 years they will realize that the property tax revenues from all of those new subdivisions will not cover the services demanded by the residents. Then taxes will start to go up and people will complain and crime will go up....

I’m not a New Yorker, but I spent a month or so working there after Sandy.

He sold it to casually refer to her? If he wants to avoid her, he should try eluding instead of alluding.

This is exactly how a lot of vehicles end up with a new title. The owner abandons the vehicle at the yard, the tow company applies for a new title, then sells the vehicle to get what they can out of it.

We were doing some environmental work in the Sonoran desert and needed a couple of large 4wd SUVs to haul our team and our equipment. The only cars available at the rental agency that met our needs were a pair of brand-new Lincoln Navigators.

Now playing

Really, this applies if you have kids, toys, fragile things.... It reminds me of Bill Engvall’s bit about his cat and his son’s G.I. Joe figures.

Not I.

Trilogy of Terror. I think was 7 or 8 when I saw it. It scared the bejezus out of me.

Clowns never bothered me. This was the little monster who set me on the path to a lifelong distrust of dolls:

Our wedding was held on “neutral” ground, halfway between where her family lives and where my family lives. Everyone had to travel.

The point is moot. You took a person and gave them one-on-one instruction for several weeks. If every class were taught this way, school would be a hell of a lot more expensive and only the elite would be able to get an education. The throughput would also be reduced, making the number of graduates much smaller,

What did you do, stand there and tell them what to type in?

“The textbook should be there as a reference to what the instructor is teaching in the class.”

“Finally it’s somewhat of a misconception that mosquitoes need standing water to lay eggs. While some species do, others have actually been shown to not be able/willing to lay eggs in water. Often all most species of mosquito need is a relatively damp/shaded environment. If you have a sprinkler system that goes off

The last time I visited my great-aunt before she passed, she asked us about the little red-headed girl who was with us. The thing was that there wasn’t a little red-headed girl with us. While I was busy freaking out, my wife stayed calm and told her that she had come along to watch over my aunt. My aunt passed a few

We LOVE to go camping. It was the best part of being in the Scouts.

“All I remember is irritated eyes, and smelling like an ashtray afterwards.”