
It looked like he was already on the downwind leg of the pattern, so losing the prop wasn’t such a big issue. Next steps were the ones he was going to follow anyway: turn to final and descend.


Sure is. I find it endlessly amusing that they misspelled her name on top of everything else. It’s even funnier with the crossover - Hillary/Hilary/Hilarious....


“ body is, for the most part, covered in cheeto dust, which provides insulation, style, and flavor on demand.”

My father-in-law has a thousand stories about cars that got away. I never want to be my father-in-law, but my wife is still trying to get me to get rid of my one “junker” that is sitting in the driveway. It’s almost road legal! It runs and drives, but just needs a new windshield to make it legal. Well, it could use a

Anybody would be miserable listening to that music.

Maybe the girl made your ride worth it. I was on my way to visit friends and don’t look back fondly on it.

Ouch. I got caught in sleet while cycling. I don’t want to think about solid water of any size while moving more than 10 mph.

This dude. Having been caught in a cold rain without rain gear and with NO overpasses or stops along my route, I can attest that it is one of the more miserable motorcycling experiences in my life.

This is the standard chair in our office. Super comfortable and adjustable 10 ways to Sunday. It even comes in sizes to fit a variety of derrieres.

A friend of mine was using the wire wheel on a bench grinder to polish a pony keg for use as a gas tank on a dune buggy. One of the wires came loose and hit him dead center in his left eye. He was extremely fortunate that it stopped before impacting the retina. Now he has an artificial lens with a fixed focal length

Yeah, it could be big, it could be small, it depends on how fast the object was traveling, the angle of approach, and how much of the object survives long enough to hit the ground. Glad to help.

Stuff that falls from space, if it doesn’t burn up in reentry, usually breaks into smaller pieces. The pieces are typically found along a line which generally follows the path of descent. The area where the pieces land is the meteorite field.

It’s more likely that guidance will fail and it will chop a few people in half. A strong sudden breeze should do the trick.

There are a lot of people living in RVs and travel trailers who make due with less than 300 sq.ft. I lived in one with another person for over two years. I see several problems with the tiny houses. One, they are just too small. Two, they try to put too many people into them. Three, they lack basic facilities such as

Now playing

I’d rather spend my money with AirCombat. The best part is going with a buddy and “shooting” him down.

Yeah, he was a driver. Driving during the week, classes at night, airport on weekends.

A friend of mine is a commercial pilot. He did it the hard way. Started by spending a lot of his college money on getting his pilot’s license and enough hours to get his instructor’s license. He worked two jobs, UPS and at the airport, while trying to finish a degree in engineering. He kept flying as much as he could,