
You are preaching to the choir. I’m footing the bill for six degrees (three for me, three for my wife). We make a decent living, but the loans are outrageous. Still, we can afford a modest home and some privileges for our kids. Without the degrees, we’d be making much less and still have student loans.It’s a matter of

You gotta pay to play....

Adventures in towing - yes, everyone should have a few. I’ve pulled large things over long distances with a variety of small trucks numerous times over the years. While I’ve never had a problem with a trailer, I’ve had my fair share of problems with the tow vehicles. The worst was when my fully-laden truck decided to

The exhaust can stay low. It’s time to move the air intake to the top of your car.

It’s just an excuse. The things have an AI mode where you can race against the computer. To be fair, it is a hassle to set it up. The mat is too big to set up in his room, so all racing has to be done in the living room. Then the mom starts making noise about everyone taking up too much space and everyone being too

My son as well. Fortunately, the grandparents were the ones who bought it for him. I asked him about it just yesterday. His response, “well, it’s hard to race when I don’t have anyone to race against.”

I wish I had more stars to give. This exactly sums up my experience riding (and getting thrown from) a pair of these beasts this summer. A friend of mine owns two waverunners, one relatively tame one and one rip-your-face-off-and-feed-it-to-you supercharged monster of a machine. Both were a blast to ride, but as you


It would only be done to roosters and it would be called a capon, but there’s a better way to deal with wayward fowl.

You can tell the city folk from the country folk commenting on this article. The city folk don’t know the difference between emasculation and castration . In the former, he loses the twig and berries, in the latter it’s just the berries.

The only answer.

Compared to what was available in the ‘70s, those tires are probably far better than what came on it new.

I know that lady! She came out to yell at us for parking too close to her house. We parked at the end of the curb before the sign that clearly states “No Parking Beyond Sign”.

I drive my WRX harder than what I saw on the video just about every day. After it was wrecked and repaired, I asked the Subaru dealership to go over it with a fine-toothed comb and to make sure someone drove it hard so they could catch any strange suspension or driveline problems before I accepted it back as repaired.

Climbing wall. Fireman’s pole.

“...many people with whom I have varying degrees of closeness to assumed that my moving—before I mentioned I was going anywhere—would be with my significant other.”

“Uhm, in your chart, why would people be doing a masters THEN a phd?”

Let’s try a different tactic to help you understand my position. People with a doctorate have significantly higher investments in both time and money than the general working population. Sure, they make a higher salary, but the unit costs are way off. It seems that everyone ignores that when they come up with a number