
The full effects of graduated licensing are still being studied. Some early studies have found that the decrease in fatal accidents among 16 to 17 year old drivers comes with a commensurate increase in fatal accidents among 18 to 20 year old drivers.

“chlamydia sauce.”

By the way, it could be worse. It used to be illegal to park a truck, any kind of truck, in your own driveway in Nichol’s Hills, OK.

There. I fixed it for you.

Nice assessment. I always liked the look of the Genesis, but I never had a chance to drive one. A friend of a friend brought one to a track day last fall. I was not impressed with the performance.

Now playing

For all those wondering about what happens when things go wrong, FailArmy has the answer.

“Okay, maybe not the best. The Roku 4, which costs only $120, is easier to navigate....”

Perhaps I should have been more clear. Learning it is dang hard. I used to fly hang gliders. It was much easier to get a feel for it when slope soaring. Learning to thermal is orders of magnitude more difficult since the location of the thermals is mostly unpredictable.

It also applies to dentists, the big difference being that I can’t break out a set of tools and start working on the crown that’s come loose again....

My first R/C plane was a two-meter class glider. Learning to use thermal updrafts to gain altitude is very difficult, especially since the only feedback is visual. If a wingtip goes up, it’s time to turn toward that wing. Sounds easy, but determining the exact attitude of a plane that is hundreds of feet away is hard.

That doesn’t include the salaries that they were paid while getting sloshed! With 30 executives in attendance, this trip was billing out at $4,500 per hour (assuming a billing rate of $150/hr which is not unreasonable for top execs). With a day of meetings, plus flight time on either end, they could easily bill out 16

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If you take a moment to go to Youtube, there are other videos showing the casting process.

Every star is another mind in the gutter.

A lot of these categories should be aggregated. The categories are derived from U.N. documentation, but it uses “non-related” and “unrelated” to mean people who are not related. There is no clear reason that these designations mean different things, but the site author doesn’t aggregate these in the data. It’s not

Hand the camera to the other dude and let him film. Then you could use both hands to do things like, I don’t know, open boxes by yourself...

It’s the same problem with free wireless access. Companies eventually figured out how to discourage wireless abusers. They’ll do the same for pokemon players.

“Nobody gives a shit where you get your undergrad from unless it’s an Ivy League so don’t even bother with the big state school and go to the smaller local state school instead.”

You can get ballistic chutes for ultralights, but hang gliding chutes are on the pilot, not the aircraft. There are several reasons for this. The pilot and aircraft aren’t rigidly connected, so the pilot may not be able to reach the chute release. Ballistic chutes are also rather bulky and cause some drag, something