
The worst is when the guys in the shop start doing this kind of crap. This isn’t the best way to get new people into the sport, guys.

One of the big issues is the smoke produced, whether from a wildfire or a controlled burn. A single burn can produce enough smoke to exceed EPA air quality limits and result in sanctions in areas that may be hundreds of miles away from the burn.

That last one is from a boat, not an aircraft.

I begged, begged my mom for the cash to buy one of these just like that blue one. She wouldn’t do it. To this day the want for that car is still strong.

The bottom-mounted spare on my Mazda was lowered by a small winch which was operated by the jack handle inserted through a hole in the bumper. No need to empty the bed of the truck!

Hah! I first learned about this during the 2011 Mississippi River flood in Louisiana. While that one may be photoshopped, here’s a couple of pics I snapped when we were inspecting levees.

They are designed with extra length and swivel connections; designed to disconnect and you just don’t use the facilities until things are reconnected; or they are designed like an RV with onboard storage and disconnects.

Foam blocks have enough buoyancy to float a home. Cheap and easy.

This is an overly complicated solution to a problem which has already been solved by the simple addition of foam blocks.

The GPS signal is really weak and the frequencies it uses will not penetrate water. This is why tall trees are excellent at blocking the signal, especially when wet.

We might as well be in the ‘90s. I live in Louisiana.

It was a glancing blow off the rear wheels. Left front of the S-10 side-swiped the rear wheels. There wasn’t even any damage to the bed of the truck. Just the left front fender, wheel, a bit to the door, and probably the suspension. Since he fell asleep, he wasn’t maintaining his speed. The story might have been

I witnessed the near-death of an elderly couple. I was west-bound on a four-lane highway in a big left-hand sweeper, about 200 yards behind a dump truck. An elderly couple in an S-10 was coming the other direction. They didn’t make the curve. The dump truck driver did an admirable job of braking and swerving right to

I find one delivered to my doorstep at least once per year, whether I want it or not.

David Bowie

For days when I want to drive:

World peace. I’d buy us world peace.