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Flite-Test tried. Turns out that having rotors on either side makes it inherently unstable and very difficult to fly. That’s why multi-rotor craft usually have at least three rotors.

Many (most?) cars automatically turn on the a/c when you put it into defog/defrost mode. Even my old truck from 1994 does this. It doesn’t turn on the a/c light, but the compressor cycles on and off.

There are just too many stories to share. I’ll settle on one of my favorites, although it didn’t happen to me, and it didn’t happen to his car. It’s just one of those screwups that is so epic, it must be shared.

It depends on your goals. For racing, a fixed camera should be pointed slightly up to compensate for the forward lean of the quadcopter when in forward flight.

And then.....

‘Tis true.

I was out of the greys until I called out Condliffe (or was it Chan) for crappy writing.

Come on, Ralph. I know you can do it. TURN OFF THE AUTOPLAYING LOOPING MOVIES!!!!!

Hey Jamie! It’s great that you guys are using the latest formats, but could you turn off autoplay and looping so your posts don’t look like the start of another gif party?

Hey Ralph. It’s great that you are keeping with the times and using the latest formats, but could you turn off the AUTOPLAY so we don’t have to deal with autoplaying and looping videos?

Four of us packed into a Sentra for an epic spring break trip to Padre Island. Heavy snow and ice in Oklahoma and north Texas closed I-35, the main artery to the south. Being determined college students, we diverted to the west to circumvent the mess.

“I think gas-powered RC planes have to be registered because, well, they contain flammable gasoline.”

I’m sure this is fine if you don’t mind mixing genres in one listening session. I can’t say that I want to follow Beastie Boys with Beethoven, but if you don’t mind your groove being interrupted by some classical tunes, I suppose this is a good idea....

“Circle is an awesome family device—the first of its kind, actually.”

I owned an ‘83 for a brief, sad period of my life. I wouldn’t wish one on anyone. Why my mom bought it in the first place is beyond me.

A friend of mine used to build custom aquariums for friends and family. One of his builds was installed on the second floor of a two-story home. Two days after installation, it sprung a leak between the side and bottom glass, draining the entire aquarium.

This is clearly the fun thread. Better than the curmudgeons on the other threads. “Harumph! This will never work!”

For my daughter’s first Christmas, my in-laws insisted we make the five hour drive to their house so the extended family could see her. She wasn’t yet three months old.