
... the non-functional turbocharger...

Because they are being used to track vehicle locations nationwide. Hmmm, I wonder why that guy just drove from a border town to somewhere in Kansas. Perhaps he is trafficking drugs!

My tells me that my car handles like a go-cart. Wait, maybe she says I drive like it’s a go-cart....

You did it wrong....

My high-school science teacher had this on the side of his van. He painted the whole van flat black after some parents complained....

That all depends on where the driver lived as a child. My wife grew up in the coastal plain. The only thing flatter is the proverbial pancake. The roads there are long and straight and the local overpass was the steepest hill for a hundred miles. Navigation was usually accomplished by the same means as a large ship -

If I ever have a son, or especially a daughter, she’s coming out into the garage with me to learn cars, and around the house for whatever else. Just as my own father taught me how to cook, do laundry, and even sew buttons and patches. I don’t want her to ever be helpless and at the mercy of other people on cars or

The SUV driver didn’t hit anything, panicked and ran away. Something a teenager would do. An adult with their own kids would have been horrified at the near-miss. But this also assumes that the SUV driver was able to see the little kids. If the driver’s focus was on avoiding the bus and the ditch, the driver may not

Understanding your audience is a big part of connecting to them. Unfortunately for you, your audience runs from grandma & grandpa at the art fair to the hard-core science fiction geeks seeing this from a more informed perspective. I suggest you redesign the pod so the viewer is sitting instead of standing so you

This must be an early version. There are some serious flaws that break the realism. At the scale he is showing, there would be significant, detectable spin which would only go away if the EVA vehicle, the cylinder, and everything outside all had same induced spin, which is unlikely. There is also a lack of light

Yes. You are reading it correctly.

It’s because most people want to be able to sit on the seat with their feet flat on the ground. They never ride in a manner that requires efficient pedaling. Just toodling along is their goal.

Where you would normally put pressure on the right grip (pushing it away from you) to cause the front wheel to turn left thus causing the bike to lean (and steer) right, on his machine, pressure on the right turns the wheel to the right, causing the bike to lean left.

Counter-steering is required on bicycles at higher speeds. Although I don’t spend much time above 20 mph, I’ve spent enough time at speed to experience it.

I doubt it. Both motorcycles and bicycles require large direct-steer movements at low speeds, but counter-steer movements at high speeds. The difference is the amount of time each rider spends at low versus high speeds.

Depends on the state. Some states require everyone to sit in the passenger compartment, but if there are more passengers than seats, it is legal to ride in the bed of the truck (presumably sans seat belt). Here’s a nice summary (stolen from iihs):

Take the hood off your car, remove the windshield, re-route the exhaust so the end of the open pipe is by your open window and then try to drive around at highway speeds without a set of earplugs.

In a desperate bid to avoid the traffic from a recent accident, I followed another car through a restaurant’s parking lot to get to the cross street. There was a cop waiting on the other side. He pointed to each of us to pull over so he could write a ticket. I was fortunate that I picked up lunch there that day and

In my experience (as a licensed motorcyclist), it’s often the dumbass on the bike. Many of the guys I’ve met a) didn’t have a motorcycle endorsement on their license, and b) have no idea how to ride their bikes.

In Louisiana the laws allow 40% VLT tint on the front-row side windows, 25% VLT on the rear side windows, and 12% VLT on the back window.