
Lots of cars have hidden handles these days. Some people blame them for lost sales (I don’t want a coupe! I want a sedan!).

You don’t have direct access to select which systems are being used to figure out your location in iOS. It uses a combination of cell towers, wifi, GPS, and GLONASS. While this is nice for rapidly determining your approximate location, it is a pain for precise locations since developers don’t have direct access to the

Trilaterate. All of these systems use time codes and accurate clocks to calculate the distance from the transmitter, whether it be a fixed antenna or a satellite. Measure the distance from 4 or more objects and you can figure out where you are in relation to those objects.

My new favorite pastime is finding unmapped roads in Waze and adding them to the map by driving them.

I’m amazed at the vitriol being slung around here. So many assumptions!

Every Boy Scout Troop has a charter sponsor. Ours is sponsored by our church, so there are some stronger religious overtones than some of the other Troops in the area who are sponsored by other non-religious organizations. Around here it would be easy to find a Troop with a secular sponsor. If you couldn’t find one,

After I moved, I discovered that my new house was too far away from a tower to get a signal. We could get one bar by standing in the front yard - not too convenient. So I called up AT&T and talked to them about a solution. We had been with them over two years, so they though the right solution was a couple of new

Here’s the intersection where this incident happened. The telephone and street sign poles are visible in the video. From the aerial, it looks like the road has been chip-sealed since the streetview was captured. The bus and SUV were westbound. The picture is looking east.

The radio in my WRX has buttons, USB, AUX, and Bluetooth. No infotainment screen.

On my list for my son and I this year:

Right here with you. Generator droning on the back porch as I type.

I work across the street from a Cane’s. You can tell from my ever-shrinking pants.

Yep. Here’s the view out my office window as the storm blew in. And no, it isn’t night.

I was once told I was hired because I was the only one who showed up to the interview wearing a suit. He later told me that I was too smart for the job and should go to grad school. So I did.

The test is still in the “testing” phase before rollout and the study materials haven’t been published yet. They are expected to come out a few weeks before the test is made available.

I would like to know where I could test drive the Jupiter R5. Will Jowett be following the Tesla model for distribution, or will they be partnering with one of the big 3?

Find the GIS groups on LinkedIn. Postings there all the time. Also, get started on your GISP. There is no cost to start filling out the paperwork and everything is stored online now so you don’t have to worry about keeping track of all your paperwork. The site will do it for you. The exam comes online in July and you

That is subsidence and is a problem everywhere. This is one of the reasons New Orleans is below sea level.

Posting maps without their legends leaves the reader confused. Which is worse, red or white, assuming different shades of blue mean wet....

I worked in a computer lab while attending grad school. We had one room which served double duty as a classroom and open lab. It was left open and unsupervised 24/7 so the grad students had access to systems with more than the standard Office installation (AutoCAD and ArcGIS).