
You can't help him. Before my half-brother left, our uncle (my father's brother who is a police officer) tried to help - money when he needed it, a small fortune in dental work, leads on several jobs (on which my half-brother never followed through) and even paid for his move out of the state. My half-brother was

My parents split when I was young. My mother made good decisions and worked hard to be successful - left my father (GREAT decision!), worked multiple jobs, put herself through college, all while raising me. Even though we didn't have much money, I made good choices growing up - focused on school and achieved decent

I have fiber-to-the-home and it really isn't that much better. Why? I asked a friend of mine who happens to work at the company that provides our service. The limiting factor is the switch at the neighborhood. All of their switches are at capacity and they need to be upgraded - something the company isn't going to do

And this is why you KEEP the old car. I bought a WRX to replace my truck as a daily driver. There is NO WAY a WRX is going to replace a truck. There is an endless list of things that you can do in a truck that you can't do in a WRX. You can't haul massive amounts of dirt with a WRX, especially when it is dumped in the

I think a good beginner's bike should be something light, with low horsepower, a low seat height, shouldn't look like a race bike, but it should have wind protection that doesn't look like it came from the J.C. Whitney catalog. Back when I owned a motorcycle, I took a ride on a friend's unfaired CB-400. When I got to

I converted my sitting desk to a standing desk in January as part of my new year's resolution. We have standard cubicles in our office, so the conversion was fairly easy. I just had to move the desk support brackets higher up the cubicle wall. My supervisor is about 6 inches shorter than I. He pointed out that the

The GPS chip in your smartphone works because there are 24 satellites circling the globe at all times that triangulate your location based on how long it takes time-stamped information to travel to and from the device.

My old driveway would have taken it off for me....

Copperhead. Yeah, it's custom, but nice....


I decided to run home for the weekend just before finals, my first year of college. We had some snow the night before, but it was just an hour away. The first sign of trouble came when I tried to start the truck. Not even a click. But this had happened before, so I knew that I just needed to re-seat the relay under

Add a backpack and a suit. Typing of the Dead.

My high school science teacher had this:

There, I fixed it for you. I'm not sure what the big deal is at this point. We were "testing" model-mounted rockets and piggy-backed glider launches back in the '80's. Our tow rig was a Goldberg Falcon (37" wingspan, originally designed in 1962). Our primary test glider was a Gentle Lady (2m wingspan), but we also

There is no device attached to the computer. The radio frequencies are being generated by the monitor via software. No external device needed.

It is just an activity that people like to do that benefits health and community. Whats the point of Cycling?

You were on your coffee break when you wrote about your broken brake?

There's your problem - your "break" should be repaired so it is a brake.

If you don't know someone with a Mac, just how do you get a copy of the OS (without the risks of pulling it from a torrent)?

Forget the buggy with a powered-parachute. Give me a leaning-trike gyrocopter instead!