
Oh, hi officer. Would you mind pausing for a few minutes while I find a clear area for takeoff, open up my parachute, extend the giant pole to raise the parachute, do the pre-flight check, and takeoff? It should only take about 20 minutes. Then we could continue this chase in the sky!

I love the giant pole to keep the parachute out of the prop. I noticed that in their own promotional material, they don't show flight prep, takeoff or landing. I had to get a screenshot from another source to verify what that pole is for.

You had me all excited there for a second. But then I was disappointed. While the tapes may be $65, the drives are more like $2,000. You can set up a 4-drive RAID (filled with 2tb drives) and have more storage, faster access, and still have enough cash left over to do it three more times.

Your assumption is correct, spiders do have an open circulatory system. The nifty GIF at the link is a bit misleading. What surprised me is that modern spiders have both tracheae AND book lungs (we didn't spend much time on arachnids when I took entomology so many years ago).

Not sure if you are being facetious... Just in case you aren't - it doesn't work like that. The professor is right that this is highly unlikely. Arachnids breathe via book lungs and cannot get any oxygen by feeding on blood. Even the infamous botfly requires direct access to air (and doesn't burrow several feet under

Dangit! Now I have to change my password....

Darth Buick?!? Where does this guy get his information? I lived through the '80's and NEVER heard anyone call it that.

Hard to miss the Subaru "5-Door" WRX.

A friend of mine switched to Dvorak. He said it took about 6 months to get used to it. Win7 has the Dvorak keyboard built in (you have to enable it on the Language Bar), so that part was easy. He bought some stickers like these to transform his keyboard but still keep it friendly for non-Dvorak users.

Growth in a particular place is a function of accessibility, whether by road or public transportation. This can be seen at the most basic level - the creation of new roads fostering deforestation. Here's an example:

I don't believe that road capacity promotes development. Roads are if anything a lagging indicator, built in response to development - and usually after considerable delay.

I hope you don't get hit and DIE ! On your next Bicycle trip that Gas Taxes paid for.

I don't believe that road capacity promotes development. Roads are if anything a lagging indicator, built in response to development - and usually after considerable delay.

It's based on self-reported census data, not traffic counts by a DOT. Respondents told the census how long their commute takes, no matter the location of their destination.

Where I used to live, my commute was 80 miles one-way, my wife's 35 miles one-way. It took both of us an hour and fifteen minutes to get to work. The difference? She was going toward Houston, I was going away from Houston.

If you build it (roads), they will come.

The area I referenced is flat and that makes a difference. Once you move into Eastern Oklahoma, the landscape is much different and the system breaks down as the hills become too steep to make a road in a straight line.

We have a SERIOUS problem with this here in Louisiana. And it all starts with the people training our future motorists. How do I know this? I asked one!

If you want to lump it in with "planning" then it is the most poorly implemented form of planning ever conceived. It fails to take into account any of the local topography, ecology, hydrology, or even the natural and human histories in the area.