
But if I do that as a developer on Apple’s store, I’m in violation of their TOS, and I get my app removed and I get sued. I wonder if Epic Games noticed...

But it should be clear now that China’s covid-19 success was real...

See, I signed up for Google Music back when it was the only game in town that let me upload my songs to a digital locker. That’s how they got me. To upgrade to YouTube Premium is a no-brainer. I haven’t felt like I’ve missed much not being on Spotify, even if all the cool kids do it.

There’s a word for stupid people like you, but I won’t bother, since you are definitely too stupid to read.

Hoping you forgot the /s

I learned how to shut up a TON more, far too late for a lot of professional and personal mistakes in my younger days. If I’d kept my mouth closed on several occasions, I might have had some better opportunities. I’ve gotten better now, but still have a long way to go.

Take a deep breath. Then think about the single-most popular thing Nintendo has made. Then think about creative writing practices, and how pedantic repetition can get boring to read. Then take another breath. Then maybe a drink. 

Totally real. The missus is super consistent with one particular position. Just hits a spot and things just flow from there. Fortunately, we both love it. She has a huge orgasm, I feel super happy that I made her feel so good. Doesn't happen every time, but it's a lovely surprise when it does. Probably 50% success

In other news, water is wet.

Wait, we’re getting dental advice from the bloody ENGLISH?! Has this world gone MAD?!

Your fist would likely get sucked into the maw of rotten flesh and cartilage that is McConnell's face. 

You're equating videogames with toys. Ernekid is equating  videogames with art - as they should be. Hence, preservation. And no, they aren't overreacting. Not in the slightest! 

And for anyone outside the US, we should do... what, exactly?

As a French-taught Canadian, I have to point out “without sans meat” is saying “without” twice. So it’s without Without meat, which would mean... WITH meat? It’s a heck of a double negative.

Trying to figure out if you could be more wrong...

And I’m so happy to hear you got rapid treatment! I hope you’re on the mend/in remission.

I do almost this exact dressing, but add a bit of melted butter. Trust me.

Frankly, the fact that the NYT paid him at all for his open-source Password/Scrabble hybrid is amazing. They would absolutely be in their rights to simply copy the format and use it on their site. What they paid for was the name recognition (everyone calls the game Wordle now), and is a shockingly decent thing to do.

Which applies to Austria... how?