
As a Canadian, I really notice how much Freedom(tm) America has, so at least you have that! I enjoyed having my wife in a semi-private room after giving birth, follow-up nursing care, and it cost me absolutely nothing. I also enjoyed getting treated at a fracture clinic when I was in a bike accident and, again,

Show me something more interesting you’re up to, and I’ll gladly click on it. I’ll wait.

Yes, I did, and it added absolutely nothing. Which is why, other than Avatar - which was designed for technical spectacle - 3D went absolutely nowhere. Hell, even the 3DS,which removed the barrier of glasses, ended up mostly being played in 2Dand barely designed for 3D by the end of its life. The 2DS is enough of a

Bullshit. I’m Jewish, and I can spot a fellow Jew with pinpoint accuracy. I guarantee the Klan can do the same.

Or, better still, DISABLE THE WI-FI. This way, it’s not tracking and doing any ads. Get yourself a Roku, AppleTV, or any other streaming box where only the device itself *might* track you.

Joe Rogan, the fucking Sea Lion of Sea Lions.

If you want to preserve your personal systems, you’ll .

I for one am not getting the vaccine precisely because of Canadian mandates...

You know what annoys me about these posts? The fact that you all probably have the info now, have either had the briefing or are about to, and are just under NDA. It just feels disingenuous. I mean, every tech site does it, but it make things seem a little chummy between outlets and the companies providing the

They do indeed! This was done in response to what happened to Hubble. In this case, astronauts can’t repair the telescope of there’s a focus issue, so they got way out ahead of it and made sure it was able to self-correct.

Wow, you have a lot of free time! Ever think of getting a job?

Hey, never denied the atrocities of the government, even went so far as to point it out ahead of time. But sure, we can talk about your country’s treatment of its First Nations too, or your country’s civil war about wanting to keep Black people as slaves, or Vietnam, or...

Okay, this is the last time I’m going to try to spell this out for you:

This is all great, but literally NONE of this has ANYTHING to do with what I originally said, which is that China’s government is absolutely lying about their COVID numbers. They have a history of lying, a motivation to do so, and have very obviously done so. This doesn’t discount anything you said, but, again, what

Actually, we prefer “grey.” ^_^

Two posts, actually. Both equally stupid.

Now I understand your perspective. You’re either an anarchist or libertarian, with a deep distrust for government or any form of media. I’m sorry you have become so isolated and pessimistic in your world view. Doesn’t change the fact that I’m allowed to call out a government that’s been cited by multiple human rights

Oh, we as a country absolutely can. See my aforementioned comments about treatment of First Nations and residential schools.

I’m Canadian. While we’re far from perfect (let’s start the conversation with abuse of Native People’s and go from there), we are FAR from the levels of human rights abuses of China’s government and military. But great for you for assuming I’ve been brainwashed by a country I DON’T EVEN LIVE IN about the atrocities

China is a known abuser of human rights, data and information suppression, and strongarm tactics in regards to its citizenry, image manipulation, currency manipulation, IP abuses... the list truly goes on.