
China has reported 105,660 symptomatic cases of covid-19 and 4,636 deaths from the disease since the pandemic began, according to the country’s National Health Commission.

Just call it “Ocean’s Unlimited.”

Just pulled off the heist of the year! Thanks!

Fun fact: "Monkeys Eat Peeled Bananas" is how I remembered my covalent bonds in chemistry class: meth, eth, prop, and but! 

My eyes glazed over. This is all garbage, a serious bait and switch, and a financial disaster waiting to happen. There’s a reason why currencies are regulated, and guaranteed by actual established governments or other means, like gold. These currencies are literally whisked out of thin air, and have no real

I’ve never had an issue finding torrents. My issue, though, is rampant trojans and viruses inherent to piracy, which is why I’ve stayed far clear of it for an insanely long time. There are a bunch of first-run movies I’d love to see and know I won’t go to a theater to see (thanks Obama Omicron), but aren’t available

Such as... (asking for a friend)

Can ANYONE give me a spec about resolution or refresh rate anywhere?

Can ANYONE give me a spec about resolution or refresh rate anywhere?

So close. If it was 4K120 they'd have my money. 

Did I miss the part where the article told me the resolution and framerate?

It’s really sad you missed the point about public health and safety...

I don’t mind NOT raping puppies but it’s the mandate that I can’t rape puppies that rubs me the wrong way.

It’s weird; I’m not grey on Kotaku or Lifehacker, and I don’t write on them every day either. Kinja makes no sense to me, and it’s just obnoxious how I can’t make heads or tails of it.

See, now that Samsung is wanting to include NFT browsing on their screens, I’m now even more committed to NEVER buying a Samsung TV, like, ever. It’s a cool idea, this wireless charging remote is nifty. But it’s like saying a chocolate cake is delicious, shame about the cyanide. NFTs are the poison pill that murders

Sorry to be that guy, but it isn’t double the resolution, but four times. It’s double the number in both horizontal and vertical resolution, resulting in four times as many pixels.

Yes, because all the Jews/Muslims/Buddhists/Agnostics/Atheists at NASA have the same vested interest as you. Besides, the universe also adheres to our man-made calendar, and decided to be a Universal Scrooge and make excited scientists ensure their 25-year project launches on a day that’s deliberately inconvenient.

I’m sorry, but this is incredibly asinine. I’m all about pronouns, gay rights, trans rights, BLM, First Nations, and things that really matter. But this? Please stop. Next thing you’ll ask to change the Les Miserable lyrics (can’t have “Master of the House,” can we?), Aziz Ansari comedies on Netflix (“Master of None?”

I know you’re trying your best to dissuade them, but my money is on the name being “Galaxy S 22 Note Ultra+ Epic 5G Touch FE.”

As a child who lived with a parent who suffered far longer than she wanted to (primary chronic progressive MS), I bet my mom would have LOVED to lie down in a chamber and just fall asleep. She ended up dying from a sepsis, which at least let her drift off - far better than pneumonia and choking to death. People who

THANK YOU! As someone who suffers from gastroesophaegeal reflux disease, I have to abstain from several things, including both coffee and alcohol (yes, I have to live my life au naturel). It’s not a moral thing at all, but it’s also nobody’s damn business what pain I’d be in if I had alcohol. Best thing is to just say