
Nah, that's his last name. First name is Harold. 

So does that mean some of us could sign up for side-hustle careers as plastic manufacturers? Asking for a friend.

As a music teacher, I am completely insulted and appalled by this article. This author clearly knows absolutely nothing about music. Theory being science? Super wrong. The open tuning system? Really pointless. I could pick this apart point by point, but I have better things to do like floss my toes.

So who does Chris Platt play?

Chloroform. Next article!

We did some mad science with our latkes a few years back, debating between hand-grating or processing the potatoes and onions. There were four possible mixtures (both hand grated, both process, ro a mix of one or the other), and we found that hand-grating the potatoes and processing the onions worked best. For some

Are they that different, really?

Many members off the board have been there for literal DECADES. They’ve all lived through dirt together. Bobby’s been their golden goose. You think they’re in any hurry to slaughter him? I hope their share price continues to tank, wiping decades of wealth from the board (who hold the majority of the shares) and force

The Real Reason Gas Prices Are So High Right Now

LOL they just added it. I checked an article I’d read earlier and it’s now in there.

You know what’s interesting? I have not seen ONE OUNCE of disclosure on either Polygon or The Verge about Casey Wasserman. Someone should really do something about that, only I refuse to comment on their articles on principle based on emails I had with the EOC of The Verge. (long story)

Butt why? I don’t like to make ass.umptions. Such a here!

Other readers pointed out that kids often can’t help being poor, weird-looking, or otherwise non-standard, which I agree with, but the overall point—the nail that sticks its head out gets pounded down, so a kid’s best bet is to appear as normal as they possibly can—is a solid (if depressing) commentary on human

Weird, I had both phones, and I *never* got an ad. Maybe because I’m in Canada?

You’re still here?

As a Fold 3 owner, I have to say the software is actually a highlight here. It’s incredibly smart, and Google has admitted to copping several features (like multitasking) into Android directly. In fact, Android 12L is a direct response to this, and was created in concert with Samsung anyway. Heck, witness Wear OS3,

Living up to the username I see!

That’s locusts, dear.

Okay, this needs to be spelled out for you: You’re quite literally victim blaming. Please, just stop. It’s really bad, and a dangerous forum of bullying in of itself.

No, you’re still wrong. Everything you’re saying is often outside of a child’s control.