
Modern click farm writers always pull this shit like some edgelord who trys to say “I said no offense 1st!” after getting called out over a shitty joke. You wrote gutter trash under a misleading headline. Hope you’re happy being paid to do so, doubly so for getting roasted in comments over it.

How the f do you have a job? 

but that headline. I mean, its literally what introduces this whole thing. Words have meaning. Use the correct words.

Worst journalist on kotaku 

Kotaku can’t even be bothered to check their own past articles before posting something. Took me literally five seconds to find this. Thanks, Google!

Article Title: 23 Years Later, We’ve Discovered An Amazing GameCube Easter Egg

You see how this title is structed, right? Creates assumption that something BRAND NEW has been found, right? You mock yourself, but yet you also knew many people would click based on that title and waste their time.

You had to have known

Furious. A red hot rage that cannot be quenched with a ocean.

First, who calls them “Sandos”? Sammy, yeah...but Sando? Ugh. It is not gonna be your signature madeup word.

And if you are gonna sensationalize the headline, you might as well do it like “Man Jailed After Beating Neighbor with Pokemon Cards, Was Super Effective”

That’s not too far off, sadly.

If I’m in a situation where I truly need my gun

Seriously?  This isn’t common knowledge?  Come on up to Canada, apparently you guys all need to be taught how to winter.

After today’s Jimquisition I’m definitely skeptical of COD articles like this. Though ultimately it’s fun to get these kind of articles and then in some months we’ll get told about this company’s screwed up behavior. Just sucks that no matter what, nothing will really get done about their abuses


The word is aisles, not isles. A-I-S-L-E-S. You spelled it wrong three times. How did you get to be a professional writer?

Representation matters.

As a left handed guitar player, I had to start with a teacher. There was no way I could learn from youtube because there are so many unanswered questions that only a teacher could show me. 

Yes, wait for tigers to change stripes, got it.

Okay, I watched it so you don’t have to.

Okay, but the flip side of that is: if you see someone waiting for your spot, don’t dawdle any more time than is reasonably necessary.