
I had heard from I think GameXplain a few months back that they had added many more enemies since the E3 demo even in subsequent demos.

I want to support this game because I adore the franchise. Nintendo has a habit of cutting off franchises for *decades* at the first major sign of failure, and thus I am scared for Star Fox.

Prince is so rare...a “sexually crazed” black man whose legacy is not at all attached to any pithy stereotype. He was raw, wildly eccentric and straight up androgynous, and yet still very much all the things that middle America celebrates: a strong man, a creative mind and a pioneer. A desperately needed icon that we

“I’m here to tell you there’s something else...” Prince showed me the life I wanted to live. He was my black genius

Holy fuck that's brilliant.

Yeah, out of context quotes regarding her master’s thesis (which was approved, peer reviewed, and vetted by a master’s committee), coupled with unsubstantiated rumors. That really takes the wind out of her being an excellent interview, social activist, and PR star for a major corporation. Shame on her?

The crazy part is that the harassers targeting Allison Rapp (and now Klepek as well) think of themselves as free speech advocates. Yet they are asking for Rapp to be fired for a college paper and then intimidating a journalist whose coverage does not suit their whims. None of that has anything to do with free speech,

This is all quite complex, obviously, and I ask that readers who want to debate and discuss the issues at hand do so in way that’s respectful of each other and the people involved. Patrick outlined numerous issues in this and his prior stories that were more focused on actual issues of translation, localization,

Your ability to enjoy the Vive isn’t just based on whether you have $800 to burn but whether you have space to use it, so let me share some more impressions with you guys that’ll help you figure out if you’ve got enough room.

Interesting. The Rams as an organization don’t seem like the kind of people who make handshake deals with the league and other teams that benefits their organization while not taking into account their players.

*shines apple on his sleeve, bites into it*

How did it negatively affect you?

The NES port of Maniac Mansion has the best soundtrack ever. I have it on my iPod.

Am I the only one who still plays Team Fortress 2 all the freaking time?

*checks steam*

Exhumed (Powerslave) is very similar; but that one came out years before, so I suppose it doesn’t count.

I recently had a large freelancing project for an educational company wherein I had to produce a 20 minute script discussing the evolution and history of each video game genre.

I mean, this is mostly fine.