
It’s like Dr. Dre said in “California Love” “Inglewood! Inglewood always up to the latest cutting edge in economic investment and urban revitalization!”


Her Story?

Hey, fuckass. I worked at GameStop. You want to know what us “wage slaves” did for our minimum wage?

“All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason, except for this air ball.”

You either die a fan or you live long enough to see your once beloved franchise brought to you by the director of The Fast and The Furious.


New ventures =

I bought Aaah! Real Monsters for my Sega for like $80.

At this point, who knows? I’m sure that they feel that their actions were perfectly reasonable. But they’re in a different line of work. My focus is telling the truth about games for readers, whether that’s the external truth that reporters discover or that more internal subjective truth about how a critic feels about

By making this statement to the readers public, I assume the guarded hope is that Ubisoft and/or Bethesda will break their silence?

If there’s any takeaway from this animal crossing party game, its that all these character models and environments are, in fact, rendered in HD and are fully functional.....

I’m not ashamed to say, I took one of every pugg sticker from their E3 booth.

Rarely if ever have I hated a game maker and loved a gaming property simultaneously, so this will be an interesting experience for me.

This totally appeals to me, an average CS player. I can see why the pros hate it, but I love this. I really do hate losing to frame perfect players on account of their advance knowledge of the map.

The research is still so scant! I can share a few of my own observations on how the industry is changing as a result.