
So, I was actually a producer for Playstation Home for like 2 years. It was a really interesting experience. I’m proud of the games and spaces I worked on there (Dragon’s Green, The Playground, Warhawk.) I’m sad to see it die, but it’s not unexpected. Yeah, it was a totally weird place where people did weird things.

Oh yes! Excuse me. One sec.

and Jesus wept.

The remake of Kirby's Dreamland on the GBA had a mode where once you beat the game, you could play as Metaknight. The only caveat was that there was no lives. Once you died, the game was over. Not only that, but you had half as much of a life bar as you normally did with Kirby.

Oh great, I have to wait until 2016 to use my Link Amiibo again?!

"All great literature is one of two stories; a man goes on a journey or a stranger comes to town."

Doom is the first game I ever pounded the "Esc" button and shut off the computer immediately out of pure fear. I mean, I was like 8, but I think my point that its atmospheric still stands.

I still say that this game still continues to stand tall against modern RTS games like SC2 and Planetary Annihilation.

I like this parallel between game experience and real life exposition more than I thought I would at the onset of reading.

My Time In Police Cars

The world outside looks different when you see it through the windows of a police car. And, when you're in one,

Ready for a Ready Player One movie from Steven Spielberg? Deadline reports the Jaws and E.T. director will helm the dystopian book about people jacked into a VR world.

Well, The Final Hours of Half Life 2 was originally going to be called The First Hours of Half-Life 2. I had gone up to Valve to write a story about the reveal of the game....and then they decided to push the announcement of the game after our interviews! I can't remember the particulars, but I think the game was

Find me at E3 this year - we need to take a better picture!

Great question, and honestly every game and reveal has a unique set of circumstances around it. Sometimes these things are planned years in advance, and other times they come together (or don't) just days or weeks before the show. In fact we've had a few cases where reveals have been cancelled literally hours before

This was a big highlight of E3 for me last year:

Tell us something surprising about your days with Gabe and Valve making Half Life 2 that you didn't report on at the time.

Nintendo has never partnered this far out with a game developer to make HARDWARE, but consider at least their varied results on the software front:

I'm going to disclose a pet-peeve of mine that is somewhat irrational, but I swear genuinely entrenched in science.