
For worse and for better, I don’t think any 3D Mario has fully captured the true open ended vibe of Mario 64, let alone replicated that isolated feeling of an intrepid explorer happening across entire worlds tucked away in an empty castle.

In the back of my mind, all these ports have led me to believe Nintendo is toiling away at some grand slate of masterpieces from inside their secret “not-yet-announced” cavern. But the more time goes by, I’m starting to think not...

My hope is this stuff dies down after the feature becomes more normal. On release, the endorsement feature was mocked mercilessly by plenty of people in my matches. But in the following week or two, I have noticed a pretty positive change in my matches. People talk more, are more reticent to mock others, and say good

Everyone has their gaming horror story and here is mine: a high school friend of mine played World of Warcraft so passionately that his enabling mother would bring a jar into his bedroom for him to pee into, and then empty it when needed.

This is the kind of headline that hits like a brain freeze. But I can’t help but feel a generation from now we may laugh this was ever NOT a thing?

Stephen, if you do only one thing for me during the entire E3 week, can you PLEASE ask Nintendo for proof of employment existing over at Retro Studios? A W2 form? An answering machine message? Something???

Ridley too small (an announcement) for E3 :/

Congrats on your first piece Keoni. Overcooked is a bastard, no matter what it does.

I was about 20 points from Diamond. I lost my next 7 games.

This review seems generous, but that’s fine. Kanye being introspective, muted, even restrained by his standards is a better time than the majority of artists out there.

I...didn’t realize they were still making new episodes of this.

Game Freak: “lol no but seriously”

This is ridiculous. If I already paid $2,134,374 for the game, I shouldn’t have to pay $27,000 for DLC that’s already on the disc.

Always one of my favorites. Thanks for helping shape the site.

This is all canon.

I thought we were ranking them by how cool they looked...?

There aren’t enough batteries in the world...

Is Kotaku somehow mining my brainwaves for article ideas?

“Worth the wait” is a bit of a tall claim. I’d go with “In spite of the wait...”